Well hot on the heels of the success of Podcast #2, (and seriously, thank you to everyone who showed up and supported the show, it was great seeing you all there) we getting ready for Podcast #3 - the All Jag Edition. Unfortunately this will be a pre-recorded between myself, Methos and Glory. The reason we're gonna have to do it this way is because I'm travelling on that Sunday as are Glory and Methos so a live show is not something we're gonna be able to do whilst on the road. Rest assured though it is only for this week.
We will try to stream it onto Twitch.tv if we can find someone to do that for us but even if we don't we will have it posted up on youtube and on the RunHotorDie.com website as per our usual schedule.
As always, here's the latest showfor you guys
If you missed yesterday's show, or any of the others, you can view them on our twitch channel www.twitch.tv/runhotordie or on youtube - feel free to leave a rating or subscribe ^^
Alternatively if you just fancy a listen you can stream or download on the RHOD website at http://runhotordie.c...dex.php/podcast
We have a few exciting changes planned for episode #4 when it comes out so stayed tuned for that!
Edited by Runz, 12 November 2012 - 01:45 PM.