Idea is simple. Many mechs are expensive to repair. When they go down in a fair, honest fight it's a bummer, but acceptable. But when they go down because you arrived on the field with 3/4 of the enemy's number, it's just not fair. You can say what you will about repair costs, but NO ONE likes dropping into a match only to find out that two or more of their teammates have just disconnected. The usual suggestion people give when folks complain about repair costs being too high is 'just play better and win all the time'. Well nobody should be expected to have to regulaly make up for two missing teammates.
The game in its current state has quite a few bugs that cause people to disconnect for various reasons. While it sucks for them that they won't get any match rewards, it also sucks for their teammates. Giving the team with more than one (because you can still theoretically win with one d/c. Two is really pushing it if the other team is in any way competent) disconnected player a 50% reduction in their repair costs for that round would help make it more bearable for them and lead to less frustration.
Such a thing would be fairly easy to implement and not easy to exploit. If you limited the window of time in which the d/c could occur to the first 30 or so seconds of a match (where most legit d/cs happen) then it wouldn't benefit a team that has people d/c just to avoid being killed. Sure, an organized team -could- have two of their teammates d/c intentionally at the beginning so that the other members wouldn't lose as much money... but if they're organized enough to do that (and presumably have a group of 4 or 8) they could probably just WIN the match anyways, so the point is moot. Premades aren't going to snicker to themselves as they have half their group d/c just so they can throw the game and reap the awesomeness of lessened repair costs when they all blow up as a result of being down 2 men at the start of a match. And even if they did, the disconnecting players would get nothing. This disincentivizes this sort of behaviour.
I'm not saying that repair costs should be removed completely, just reduced. After all winners still need to pay. But those who start a match with a GREATLY diminished chance of winning through no fault of their own (and often no fault of the person who d/ced, Bugs happen after all) shouldn't be punished unduly or have to consider just running and hiding to save their mech for a match where they actually stand a chance of winning.

More Than One D/c = Reduced Repair Costs
Started by Tor6, Nov 13 2012 01:34 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:34 AM
Posted 13 November 2012 - 03:14 AM
Good Day Everybody May God Bless you with knlowlege to break all of the illusions and Open your Innervision to your True Self
I Have been grinding for money 2-3 days playing my mechs untill i had 4 million and bough a HuchbackSP I started not reparing armor just the Structure and had some battles with it then saw the Armor repair Bill and Decided to Repair my Torso and Rear Armor Only ***manualy** i Entrered my mechlab rearmed my Ams then fixed my torso and rear It Costed 0 cBils then i Tryed to fix the arms legs ect i Repaired them and each time the cost was 0 and i thoght MAYBe i had Extra standartArmor somewhere but it has been 20 matches now.... and In the Repair Bill it clearly Says i need 20K to repair my Armor So To all new guys Here exploit it until it fixed And dont forget that you dont have to REpair the ENGine
So This is a Bug...... Fix it
Sorry For my Mistakes i am A Russian (And Yes there are Russians in Israel)
PS:I wish i can Toggle my ams and Tag so i wont have to press a button all the time or spend ams ammo when i dont need it
I Have been grinding for money 2-3 days playing my mechs untill i had 4 million and bough a HuchbackSP I started not reparing armor just the Structure and had some battles with it then saw the Armor repair Bill and Decided to Repair my Torso and Rear Armor Only ***manualy** i Entrered my mechlab rearmed my Ams then fixed my torso and rear It Costed 0 cBils then i Tryed to fix the arms legs ect i Repaired them and each time the cost was 0 and i thoght MAYBe i had Extra standartArmor somewhere but it has been 20 matches now.... and In the Repair Bill it clearly Says i need 20K to repair my Armor So To all new guys Here exploit it until it fixed And dont forget that you dont have to REpair the ENGine
So This is a Bug...... Fix it
Sorry For my Mistakes i am A Russian (And Yes there are Russians in Israel)
PS:I wish i can Toggle my ams and Tag so i wont have to press a button all the time or spend ams ammo when i dont need it
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