I think this is something that a lot of people want, and would help the overall commercial viability of the game more then the current release schedual,
Only 2 assault mechs in the game and the Awesome barely qualifies IMO. Also IM0, We need another assault before more lights, or even before another LRM boat style mech, We also need the 90 ton weight slot filled,. We also need more larger JJ capable mechs. We need a JJ capable assault mech.
The Highlander is the 2nd to last mech announced to date...probably won't get it till next spring!?!?!
Stands to reason there is time for them to re-prioritize it and start work/get it in game sooner.
Who is with me?
Short rant: (Yes this is short, compared to many of my posts

I'm tired of all the arm-less chicken legged mechs in game, or scheduled to be added.
Why are the arm-less chicken legged people getting their every desire fulfilled before we get JJ capable assault in this game? I want them to get their toys...but good lord lets let everyone have some cool toys before we bury the kids who like metal chickens (They have no arms!!!) in every metal chicken toy the devs can dig up.
Something for every group!....Before one group gets a crap load and the rest are left hanging in comparison.
As a Qaud lover I'm already screwed. Humanoid or chicken legged mechs with arms are all I'll pilot ;(
Poll edited to include the 4th option when we were at 10 total votes, and first 2 options were neck and neck. (8 votes each)
Edited by Onyx Rain, 13 November 2012 - 09:21 AM.