On the one hand you have your casuals - who want a MechAssault 3rd person view, respawns, 360 radar that nullifies flanking attacks, big warning indicators for missiles and captures, and other conveniences. These gamers will never know all the ins and outs, tricks, or strategy involved in a competitive level - they don't have the will or the free time to go on teamspeak or join a Corp, and really just want to hop on for an hour or two a week and play some robots. This type of gamer will likely make up a large part of MW:O's long term revenue, and ought to be satisfied.
On the other hand you have your more serious, hardcore gamers. They want a high skill ceiling, lots of customization, gameplay choices and tradeoffs, They don't want silly, dumbed down mechanics like a respawn system or third person view to shatter the immersion or enjoyment, or give players dirty advantages (like looking over hills or around corners), and want a challenging and engaging experience. These players are going to be MW:O's "core" community - that do the podcasts, that run the tournaments, that participate in the leagues, etc - they are looking to be part of the game long term.
So how about a compromise, to leave both more casual players and more hardcore players satisfied with the game experience. Two game modes: "Casual" and "Advanced" (names subject to change if this sounds too demeaning to casuals).
Since PGI has obviously left their matchmaker a little undercooked and unfinished, here's the chance to turn that into an opportunity. Players choose a game mode: casual or advanced.
Casual mode:
- Has 3rd Person View (as well as 1st Person)
- Has 360 Degree Radar
- Can be played as simple deathmatch with respawns
- Has much easier and more forgiving heat mechanics (very difficult to overheat)
- Stock Mechs only - no uber-builds or confusing mechlab hassle, just the regular mech chassis designs (with reduced heat management, they ought to be viable)
- Only pitted against other 'casual mode' players: Quickmatch - fast, easy, casual
- Basically the game we are currently used to
- 1st Person Only
- Limited forward radar - rewards good flank attacks
- Capture/Defend and other more complex game modes
- Full customization and optimization (what we have now)
- Comunity Warfare, Tournaments, Leagues will be played in this mode
My assumption is that resources are already being spent down that avenue.
And if it draws a larger crowd (which I have to assume is the argument in favour of 3rd person, etc) then the resources will flow anyhow. Some of the market research must've indicated that some people wanted 3rd person, even if most of us don't.