i dropped in the Dragon 1N, mostly because it's fire support, which i'm comfortable with, but also because it's kind of the ugly duckling of all the mechs on MWO, it's too fast, underwhelming firepower, and low armor, it's sort of trying to be three mechs at once, and failing at them. perfect pug mech!
first match was snowballed, however i wasn't the first to die, and managed to land the second highest damage in my team with my measley 'useless' weapons everyone complains the pug mechs have. 60k
second match was far better, i managed to take down a mech of similar weight class and a busy bee streak jenner (i killed a custom mech? LIES!). 2/0, our team won.
third match i was with a 4 man lance and us 4 just pugging, scored two kills. ravens, managed to truck roll the entire army, almost everyone made a kill.
fourth match i was in Caustic, I was on water side and went right to watch the hill for my team, when i moved up to the caldera there it was, a Gauss Cat. pugs are already going 'OH NOES'. so i turned my LRMS and AC 5 on him, and tore out some back armor!. that got his attention, slowly he turned and ambled towards me, i ducked behind the caldera and sweeped around the edge, guessing where he might end up, i pop up to broadside him while he's not looking, and proceeded to dance.
using my letf arm, i would fire my AC5/medlas at him, then turn right and show him my bum arm, this aggrovated him, no juicy torso hits! so he tried to leg me to slow me down. after circling around him i managed to tear off all his CT armor before he legged me, still doing well, he starts to figure out my strategy and tries to time his shots to match my torso, I do him one better and figure 8 suddenly, throwing him off his timing. I nearly had him cored before his team was there to finish me off.
but the last match was the best! I somehow landed caustic again, and due to some sort of memory leak, i was at 4 FRAMES PER SECOND for atleast 2/3rds of the match, i ran around as much as i could and tried to take down targets of opportunity. i eventually downed a weakend Yen Lo Wang, to my giggling surprise as the lag soup churned so bad he died and i didnt even see the explosion. I then circled around to find a stock K2 and proceeded to beat the **** out of it as a Jenner F poured laser fire into my back (if i looked at him client would Seize). I murdered the Kat before the Jenner finally got me.
and for all those in the community ******** about the Trial Mechs bieng useless all i have to say to you is the most famous words in RPG history.
". . ."
(as a reminder, I'm typically in a 4G hunchback with 3 medlas and an AC20, i regularly make 1-2 kills a game and rarely exceed 4, my KD struggles around 2/1. so i'd be what you'd call an 'Average' pilot.)
QQing below:
Edited by Hikyuu, 31 October 2012 - 01:16 AM.