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Anvil Regiment

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#1 Savant


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 09:18 PM

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The Short of it:

Size: Regiment 1st and 2nd Batt. Full (68+ Mechs)
Affiliation: House Steiner / Lyran Commonwealth
Recruiting: Open (as of 4/27/12)
Req's: 18+ / TS3 Mandatory
Forum: here [nsfw]

The Long of It:

The Anvil Regiment is the current restyling of The Anvil Society, which has been around in multiplayer games from all genres over the last 10 years for lack of an MMORPG worth its salt. A brief summary of activities since its inception back in 2002 would be Shadowbane, Planetside, Vanguard, EVE, Darkfall, SWTOR and soon to be MWO / PS2. We utilize teamwork with our own developed tactics, and focus on the big picture rather then short term successes, and of course discipline. Squad based warfare is the necessity of all clans in a game like MWO, and we embrace it with more than a sly grin, but in a world full of immortals there is no strategic victory in slaughter... just fun.

The Society requires maturity from its members. Maturity is not being a prude, it is not being free from humor, and it is not "acting" all grown up. Maturity is trust and respect, nothing more. We enforce almost no social controls, requirements for behavior, nor forum or guild channel regulations or moderation because we trust our members and do not seek to be their parents. A luxury of recruiting only mature members to begin with, I'm sure.

The Anvil is, in my own estimation, one of the few clans in existence that will actively purge members who cause drama. There is no greater threat to the unity of a clan than "Guild Drama" which effectively turns the entire clan into a beauty salon rife with bickering women. For this reason, drama is simply not tolerated in any form. Be it romance, politics, religion, jealousy, indignant ranting, or hurt feelings, drama rears its head in the Anvil only to allow itself to be crushed. We are in every essence possible a clan of principles drawn from efficiency and reality, which dictates a handle on our damned emotions just as much as it does cantankerous shouting matches, cursing and spitting contests, and drinking far too much alcohol.
Right now we are opening the doors to the MWO community to fill up the remainder of our 3rd Battalion with the best and brightest that House Steiner has to offer.

For further information visit the forum linked below, register and make a post in the new members forum, or send me a PM or track me down in the #MWOF irc channel on irc.esper.net.

Size: Regiment 1st and 2nd Batt. Full (68+ Mechs)
Affiliation: House Steiner / Lyran Commonwealth
Recruiting: Open (as of 4/27/12)
Req's: 18+ / TS3 Mandatory
Forum: here [nsfw]

Edited by Savant, 30 April 2012 - 04:38 PM.

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