Sug, on 01 May 2012 - 03:38 PM, said:
All things being equal the battlemechs make it automatically better than today.
Because having giant war machines that cost billions while not even being that effective in war is better how...?
It's cooler I guess.
caine hazen, on 01 May 2012 - 03:29 PM, said:
Coming from a cyberpunk background I'm gonna say, no... big no. The govts don't have the pervasive "big brother" feel, nor are they shunted aside by the Corps. Most regular folks have happy quiet lives until their planets become the focus of wars. The closest I think you get is during the Clan invasion in the conqured areas. Even all the novels I've read don't seem to get to dystopic... its big mechs kickin the **** out of things, the rest is just background fluff
Well, Capella HAS the pervasive big brother attitude. Actually, Hanse Davion was pretty liberal with setting agents on his "closest friends" that pretended to be their lovers too, not very nice. Kurita has the ISA. The Lyran's secret service Loki is so terifying they secretly founded a second secret organisation for when it gets out of hand, Heimdall.
And then, the most important fact: ALL factions except FRR are absolutist monarchies! They're dictatorships, but with fancy ornaments, that get succeeded by the sons. Just because some of them are doing a good job doesn't make the system less horrible... and then there's the clans who are restricted by their weird honor, their brutal caste segregation and various other uncomfortable things.
No, the setting is very dystopian.
Just because it isn't hitting you over the head with it and has it to such a large amount that it becomes hard to believe anything would even work, like in WH40k, doesn't mean it is not.
In comparison to Cyberpunk, it's pretty clear in the Dystopian range. It even has galaxy spanning corporations that control a lot of the aspects of your life if you work for them. And they're also controlled by the Houses.
And last but not least: There's nearly constant war! Even though apparently people take their Ares Convention seriously, civilians will get hurt and die, and even if not, production facilities will get destroyed and claimed and there's frequent talk of riots and small rebellions everywhere. They are mentioned offhand and are quickly "quenched" usually...
I can't imagine that doesn't involve fighting, and very likely deaths. So you've got a lot of people so ill at ease with the government that they risk death to revolt.