Rejarial Galatan, on 30 April 2012 - 07:11 PM, said:
It's mentioned in a great many of the Battletech novels that deal with units using IS 3025 Tech. Basically the PPC produces a huge amount of static feedback that gets vented along with the beam (something like the back blast from a bazooka). Inner Sphere PPCs could only deal with this feedback at a range of greater than 90 meters. Inside this range there were inhibitors that didn't allow a mechwarrior to fire the PPC because of feedback damage. A pilot in an emergency could override the inihibitors but the feedback generated basically melted the enitire weapons circuitry into slag, leaving you with a big metal club.
Extended Range PPCs didn't just refer to extending the maximum range of the PPC. Better static dumping gear allowed the minimum range to be extended to point blank as well, thus benefitting the entire range envelope.
Once again, I love to see folk throwing around ER PPCs and Gauss Rifles in these discussions. This is rare tech in this time period available only to elite Mercenary units (and then usually only some of their units, not all.) and the most well equipped house units. Start thinking in terms of 3025 tech because that's likely what we'll start with.