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Coming Back To Mechwarrior After Break In Beta

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#1 Karl Split


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 02:39 AM

Hi, I took a break in beta for a couple of months and finally got round to coming back to the game, so I thought id post my thoughts on how it has progressed

Maps-Graphics, They look amazing now I can't believe how much they have improved over the old ones, everywhere i look there is something to gawp at, the hills, are now all covered in rocks, the 'forests' are now full of trees and the urban areas are literally covered in fun stuffs, im having a blast jump jetting everywhere staring at stuff

Mech-Bay, ok, I admit im an old fart but the changes completely confused the hell out of me at first. Took me a good hour to get my head round the whole upgrades do this, modules do this and you have to buy the upgrade then save it and go back, seems a little long winded to me, at the least if i change something on a tab they shouldnt warn me changes will be lost when i change tabs again.

Weapons, feels a lot more balanced now, LRM's have a use, lasers don't feel completely op and you can use ballistics if you want so its all good

Sadly i notice there are a good few bugs still but its still beta so its understandable, the ones i encountered most are getting my catapult 'stuck' when jumpjetting next to building/glaciers or falling off them, getting my mech stuck in shutdown mode when i overheat a lot (not the same as accidentally pressing p rather than o), being unable to use chat or press tab after i die, usually because ive been jabbing keys a lot when i die and finally as i play windowed mode the fact when you go back to the client it registers the first keystroke/mouse button when the client regains focus is infuriating i hate firing wildly whenever i click on the client

All in all i think the game is coming on in leaps and bounds keep up the good work

p.s. a special mention should go to whoever thought having the sell mech button should be next to the repair button and they should both popup a sub window, thanks for getting me to accidentally sell my mechs :S reminds me of the reprocess ship option in eve that one took the devs 5 years to finally remove that :S

#2 Kaspirikay


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 02:43 AM

Ah, good ol reprocess. Almost lost a Nightmare to that ****.

#3 Redshift2k5

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 05:01 AM

View PostKarl Split, on 22 November 2012 - 02:39 AM, said:

being unable to use chat or press tab after i die, usually because ive been jabbing keys a lot when i die

Try Alt-tab away and back to the program; Try double-tapping the Esc key

View PostKarl Split, on 22 November 2012 - 02:39 AM, said:

finally as i play windowed mode the fact when you go back to the client it registers the first keystroke/mouse button when the client regains focus is infuriating i hate firing wildly whenever i click on the client

Click back to the client with your middle mouse key (assuming you have not re-bound the middle key to a weapon group)

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