]*Timezone:GMT -6 hours central time
]Preferred call-sign:Elkfur
]Experience (both TT and MW): Mechwarrior 4 mercs[/color]
]Preferred 'Mech class and roles:medium or light I plan to be either a scout or firepower to support my fellow lance members
]Tell us a little about yourself:My dad first told me about mechwarrior when I was about 7 and have been waiting for something like this a long time aka 5 years lol. I am also ready to take or give orders and will follow orders that are given and am ready to learn a lot more then i do right now, and if given the chance will prove myself worthy with a Warhammer.
]Questions and concerns:my only concern is my age
Edited by Elkfur, 07 June 2012 - 07:07 AM.