Rejarial Galatan, on 04 May 2012 - 07:55 PM, said:
why the hate on the TIMBER WOLF? it IS available in 3049 and is seen on The Rock in that year, so, id imagine a wonderful mech like that would be available, and should be such, even if it IS pricey
Of course, there's one problem here.
There is no production of the
Timber Wolf anywhere in the Inner Sphere. It's exclusively produced in Clan space and the only way an Inner Sphere force gets their hands on one is via salvaging one in combat. You can probably count the number of operational
Timber Wolves piloted in the Inner Sphere by non-Clan pilots (yes, that's you and me) on one hand with fingers to spare. The first ones were built in 2945, but none- that is, not a single one -walked on a single world in the Inner Sphere (where the game is) until that fateful meeting in 3049 between Phelan Kell and the Wolves in a mutual game of pirate-chasing.
It's a bit like expecting us to import something from Mars to Earth right about now because darn it, there's Mars stuff on Mars and we CAN get there! Never mind there's no actual TRADE done or that the Clan Homeworlds are the biggest secret they have for years until a traitor betrays it and the Inner Sphere blows up Clan Smoke Jaguar like a cheap kleenex in a flamethrower!
Clan tech, 40+ years AFTER the invasion is so difficult to reproduce that it's either bought from Clanners (at obscene prices and virtually zero availability for parts, much less all but a few very specific second-rate designs) or constructed as experimental-level technology at best that costs sixty, seventy times normal at the barest trickle of manufacture, usually even then with Clan assistance in getting that spasm of assembly working. And that's forty years later, when a non-Clan factory STILL can't even produce a humble Clan-tech heat sink.
Mechwarrior 4 was a big finger in the eye of the "reality" of the Mechwarrior universe as it was written. I don't blame Microsoft- they wanted an arcade game with big stompy robots, not actual Battletech. But for goodness' sake, don't try to fanwank your way into something that never existed or had the logic to do so. Sitting there petulantly kicking holes through the canon won't help you get to where you want in any case. This is the Inner Sphere. If you wanna end up a Clanner, you're gonna Inner Sphere pilot who ends up
islora, bondsman, and makes their way to warrior caste the hard way. Or, you're going to be the one set of Clanners that DO exist in the Inner Sphere, and you're a Dragoon or one of their oddball offshoots, like Snord's Irregulars. Who do happen to be Wolves, even if most of them end up going native- but not all do, and some go back, just like Natasha did.