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#61 Donner


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:01 PM

Here are the Northwind Highlanders after they heard of no canon names.

Posted Image

Look at what I got under me kilt!!!

#62 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:01 PM

View Post3Xtr3m3, on 04 May 2012 - 04:55 PM, said:


Bryan, I hope EVERYONE understand your situation is very much like millions of Parents in the world.
Before the Global Economic Collapse, you hinted that you might take us to Disneyworld in a year or so.
When the economy collapsed, so did that hoped for trip.
As kids, (and you know we are at hearts, kids) all we heard was we are going to be able to play in Disneyworld.
This is OUR bad, not yours. You never promised us that we could be Canonical Mechwarriors in 3049 Innersphere. But some kids, that is all that they heard.

It is no fun being the "dad" in this instance. But you did the right thing and you did it well.
A few of the "kids" are kicking, screaming, crying. That is regretable.
It shows a lack of wisdom or maturity on their part (though I should not judge them, I know).
Give them time and they will come around. They will see all that you do for them from sunup to sundown.

I know that you are tryin to make this the "Best Mechwarrior you can make".
The "kids" just need to realize that it will NEVER be EVERYTHING both makers and fans want it to be.

But I have faith it will be Epic.

You must understand that it stinks when your dad says you can't do somthing that your uncle just said you can do. That's one reason why many people are mad. There was a series of miscommunications across all parties; it wan't just kids being kids.

#63 Bullwerk


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:09 PM

View PostSigmund Sandoval, on 04 May 2012 - 04:49 PM, said:

I have been reading these forums for quite some time and have been active here for a very short time. During this time I have been reading the various developer blogs, FAQs and posts, keeping myself abreast of all of Piranhas offerings. Since I am fascinated by this franchise and have been an avid fan since 1985, I of course have some very particular opinions on many subjects. Most of the time I keep these opinions to myself and when I do let something out, it’s mostly from an RP standpoint.

As a total nerd, I have seen a lot of my favorite IP's be taken over and reworked. Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. have been updated for a generation beyond mine. This is something that I think happens over and over again as classic IP's try to work out some growth and become more attractive to a younger audience. This is necessary for a franchise to grow and stay profitable. I was one of the few that supported Wiz Kids through the Dark Age era and am a staunch believer in the fact that although I am a fan, that does not confer any ownership over an IP. I refer you to this blog entry by Michael Stackpole.

The main thing that has always governed my thinking about these kinds of re-works revolves around the people who are making them. What is there intent? Do they just want to cash in on an IP, sack it for all its worth and run away as Rome burns to the ground. Or are they fulfilling a dream of working with a universe that captivates them. Is this a work of passion and love? The kind of passion and love that comes only from the hearts of true geeks and fanboys. With MWO, I believe this is the case.


So, please take heart in the fact that for every very vocal member of this forum who can’t stand the fact that you aren’t doing things they way they would there are at least two or three of us who are sitting here quietly happy with all you are doing. Keep up the good work and we love you right back.

Sincerely and with great respect,
James Claudius Sandoval


I couldn't have said it any better. You express what I think many of us feel. Those of us that have lost sight of this fact need to get back to it. The BT community though particular and protective has always been predominantly mature, thoughtful, and accepting.

#64 Bullwerk


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:13 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 04 May 2012 - 05:01 PM, said:

You must understand that it stinks when your dad says you can't do somthing that your uncle just said you can do. That's one reason why many people are mad. There was a series of miscommunications across all parties; it wan't just kids being kids.

They repeatedly told us that they would inform of us of their decision and address the issue with the community. Just because they interacted with the NWH, 1RR, GDL, CSJ, and others on these forums and even went through the effort of gathering our websites and what not doesn't mean they gave approval. We knew that was pending and that the decision could go either way.

Were they to ostracize us just because they had yet to make a decision? Are we to now ostracize them for taking the time to be part of the community and letting us be part of it while they mulled the decision? We all need to be big boys and girls and realize that the decision is made and that despite our preconceptions and deluded visions of grandeur they did not mislead us.

Edited by Bullwerk, 04 May 2012 - 05:14 PM.

#65 SideSt3p


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:33 PM

I love the over-entitlement in some of these people's posts.

I'll figure I can have a "say" in the game development and production when I PAY for that right. Meaning I'm an INVESTOR. Meaning I have OWNERSHIP of this product...

But, I'm incredibly happy with what I'm seeing. And I can't wait for beta (whenever that rolls around).

Take it easy, and keep up the good work PGI!

#66 wwiiogre


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:34 PM


Well thought out, well said other than your inference that this misunderstanding was caused by interaction. Which is only partly right, but mostly wrong.

[PAUL] Merc Corp names are registered names. Once it’s taken, it’s gone. As for canon protected faction/unit names, we will be locking out SOME of the key players in the BT timeline. (note I capitalized some)

Some has a different definition than ALL.

Excuse me for understanding the definitions of these two simple words (some as opposed to all) and how they are used, then using the definitions of two simple words combined with implied consent of PGI's actions here on the forum that led us to believe something that was later changed.

The biggest point is we never wanted or intended to control a known merc unit. We just wanted to be associated with a known history/fiction/lore that was intended with the original IP to draw people to associate or identify with it. It was designed that way on purpose to bring more people to a game. This is how PGI is running House and Clan factions for this game. You are all included and allowed to be associated with DAVION/STEINER/LIAO/KURITA/MARIK/INSERT CLAN NAME HERE. If you want to be a Lone Wolf, then you can do that, If you want to make your own Merc company welcome aboard.

But if you want to associate your name or even appear to loosely associate your name to one of the known 6000+ merc names or their locations or their history. Then you are not welcome to the party. Take another number, change your name, change your uniform, change your history and fit into this box.

Of Course so many people are happy with this decision. It does not affect House units or Clan units that will be fighting in the IS. It does not affect lone wolf players, it does not affect Unknown Merc units. This decision only affects Mercs wanting to be associated with known history/fiction/lore Merc Corps.

So excuse me for not being happy with a decision that only effects my segment of a community. But, understand the fact that some people come on here with their House Logo's and appear to be pointing and laughing and saying stop crying cause you didn't get your way while they eat cake from the table in the restaurant that has a sign on the front door saying House Factions sit here, Clan factions sit here, Unknown Mercs sit here, Lone Wolves sit here, "NO Canon/Lore MERCS ALLOWED".

Yeah its easy to say you like something when it did not affect you and you can sit back and say 'let them eat cake'. Just realize what you are doing and how you are doing it. We have tried very hard to make our response posts, intelligent, thought provoking and not the tantrums and raging of adolescent console players. We have offered solutions, etc. We are waiting patiently for a real response to this issue.

I love Bryan's humor on this and I resemble that wee Ogre Highlander in the drawing. Made me smile and laugh. Though I am 6'4" and 265 pounds or for you metric people near 2 meters 125 kilos. Still made me smile.

Just get your facts straight and understand what the reasons are for our responses. We always knew we weren't the Northwind Highlanders and never expected to be them in this game. We always thought we could be associated with them tho. We always thought we would be working for FEDCOM since Northwind is a Davion planet and the Highlanders were under contract to them.

So if PGI goes faction for NWH we are ok with that. But that is not said what is going to happen it has been merely hinted at with no explanations. We really as a unit want to work together. That will not change, none of us are taking our ball and going home. All of us want this to succeed. We just are quite frankly in shock of the exclusive nature of this decision.


Edited by wwiiogre, 04 May 2012 - 05:46 PM.

#67 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:43 PM

So... the cake... is a lie?

#68 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:48 PM

I don't care at this point; They can have their cake... I'll just raid their supply depots while they're busy eating.

*insert slightly edited version of MW2: Ghost Bear's Legacy movie of genetic repository attack*

Edited by Prosperity Park, 04 May 2012 - 05:51 PM.

#69 Attackgypsy


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 06:02 PM

View PostDonner, on 04 May 2012 - 05:01 PM, said:

Here are the Northwind Highlanders after they heard of no canon names.
Look at what I got under me kilt!!!

(pic removed from quote to save space)

Hells noo, laddie. We'rre completely rregimental!

#70 Uncle Totty


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 06:21 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 04 May 2012 - 12:26 PM, said:

But I feel a little beat up. :)

Posted Image

All joking aside, I really appreciate everyone's passion and opinions, and we're doing our best to make MWO one of the best MechWarrior experiences.

At first glance, I thought this thead was the result of drunk posting.

Edited by Nathan K, 04 May 2012 - 06:26 PM.

#71 Bullwerk


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 06:29 PM

View Postwwiiogre, on 04 May 2012 - 05:34 PM, said:


Well thought out, well said other than your inference that this misunderstanding was caused by interaction. Which is only partly right, but mostly wrong.

[PAUL] Merc Corp names are registered names. Once it’s taken, it’s gone. As for canon protected faction/unit names, we will be locking out SOME of the key players in the BT timeline. (note I capitalized some)

Some has a different definition than ALL.

Excuse me for understanding the definitions of these two simple words (some as opposed to all) and how they are used, then using the definitions of two simple words combined with implied consent of PGI's actions here on the forum that led us to believe something that was later changed.


So if PGI goes faction for NWH we are ok with that. But that is not said what is going to happen it has been merely hinted at with no explanations. We really as a unit want to work together. That will not change, none of us are taking our ball and going home. All of us want this to succeed. We just are quite frankly in shock of the exclusive nature of this decision.



First off I feel this is a conversation better held somewhere else but, it is being held where it is. This topic has infected a large number of posts and probably will do for days/weeks/months to come.

I will give you that Paul did say that but, Paul is not the final word. It has been stated that they were looking at the issue of using canon names and would come to a decision on it. In addition, even with Paul's words, it is no stretch to imagine that your unit name would be one of those that would be likely withheld. The same goes for GDL, CSJ and many others as people that want to affiliate tend to affiliate with the best known.

Moving on though, you state that your intent was never to control a known unit, I get that. You had no intention of claiming that what you did was all the NWH did BUT, everything you did would be something the NWH did. This is where the issue comes in, by being associated with and carrying the NWH name you become representative of that unit and your actions reflect upon it. If they allowed this they would be allowing you to dictate some part of NWH actions in the universe, that's tricky ground.

You mention that this only affects some of the people that want to play this game, those that wanted to be Merc Corps and be affiliated with named canon Merc Units. While you are right that this does impact you, it also impacts others. I have a Davion sunburst next to my name, I am a member of the 1st Robinson Rangers (a canon house unit, though not a major one) and it effects me and my unit members every bit as much as you. We were planning on being a Merc Corp in game for purposes of unit structure control, we wanted to assign our own ranks and be part of a defined unit, not be at the whims of the house ranks and unit affiliations as described. Guess what we now can't use our name in game.

In fact, this being the case we, and others in our boat, have been adversely effected by design decisions twice now compared to the once of you and the other canon Merc Unit name users. First we had to drop the idea of being a House unit due to mechanics and find a work around by actually being mercs that only work for Davion (and maybe Steiner at times). Then we lost our name to this change. So your claim that everyone but canon Merc Unit devotees can have their cake while you are left out is a bit short sighted and thoughtless in light of what other members of this community may also have to deal with to get the experience they desire from this game.

Despite the mechanics and the changes we have found a way to move on and charge forward as a unit. So we can't be the 1st Robinson Rangers while in MWO, guess we'll be something else that fits our fancy and keeps true to our desire to be the 1RR. Out of game and in roleplay we will be whoever we choose as that is where it really matters. I feel no reason to get up in arms and bash the devs because they won't officially recognize in their game that we are the 1RR and take on all the canon based risk associated with that. I don't feel entitled to that.

I truly feel that the BT community is much better than what we have seen in the aftermath of this announcement. We should be showing maturity and sensibleness in understanding the devs reasons for doing this. We should understand that despitre some communications that got our hopes up (rightfully or not) they made a decision that was in the best interest in making the best game for all of us. Hey, and if that proves untrue when the game is released we can show our displeasure in more productive ways like not paying them.

I recognize that this post will probably mean little and do little good for those that feel slighted. This is just my opinions and I know yours and many others differ from mine. I feel I have said more than enough on this topic in the last 48 hours to leave it at that.

Edited by Bullwerk, 04 May 2012 - 06:31 PM.

#72 Korbyn McColl


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 06:38 PM

Don't let our, let's call it exuberance, get you down. We still appreciate the hell out of what you and everyone else at PGI is doing here.

#73 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:11 PM

I would rather us be bickering about how much access we will have to canon units of Lore, as opposed to complaining and arguing about how much Health your Mech gets when you run over the glowing green boxes in Mech Assault 3 for the Xbox 360 console :)

#74 Aelos03


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:15 PM

what is big deal about names ffs you can always make new one like it matters if you are robinson rangers or power rangers

#75 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:23 PM

Must... not... photoshop... Devs' heads...on... Power Rangers... :)

Edited by Prosperity Park, 04 May 2012 - 07:23 PM.

#76 Okie135


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:43 PM

Remember, the loudest aren't always the majority. The forum supports you guys. Take out screaming and threats and the body in the backyard under the..... Ummm right. Take it all with a grain of salt. :)

Edit: Did i really spell our as are?... WoW

Edited by Clark, 04 May 2012 - 09:15 PM.

#77 Hartmann07


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:51 PM

Hope to see you on the battle field Mr. Ekman

:o watch out for my commando... :)

Edited by Hartmann07, 04 May 2012 - 07:54 PM.

#78 MajDisaster


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:57 PM

The beatings will only get worse before the game comes out.

#79 Bullwerk


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 08:55 PM

View PostMajDisaster, on 04 May 2012 - 07:57 PM, said:

The beatings will only get worse before the game comes out.

If I know online communities at all, I'd wager it'll just continue. Sometimes I get the impression that being a game developer must be a lot like being a mime, always under appreciated, misunderstood, and under paid. Oh and everyone thinks they can do what you do, do it better, and yet won't buck up and try to!

#80 Insidious Johnson


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 09:10 PM

We love you too Bryan! It is tough and VERY conditional on the finished product, of course, but there none the less!

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