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Camo Pricing ^.^

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#1 BLS Scope


  • Knight Errant
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Posted 28 November 2012 - 07:11 PM

Obviously just a few thoughts here, don't take it badly.

Firstly the new camo specs etc. and features are awesome, well done you (have a cookie).

But asking for around £4 to apply a fairly simple design to a single mech is lunacy.. I can buy a cheap GAME for £5..


Now looking at microtransaction models that (to my mind) work we should look no further than Magicka.. skins etc. released for a pittance i.e. £0.5 and a couple of £'s for more content i.e. Hero Mechs leading to more per unit sales which lead to equivalent or greater profits than large per unit costs and small sales figures.. In theory..

As it is these paintjobs are to be salivated over but sadly never bought.

(Also once bought the paint schemes/colours should be owned by the player, perhaps transferable to a new mech using C-Bills rather than requiring additional real cash investment to just do the same things again..)

Edited by BLS Scope, 28 November 2012 - 07:12 PM.

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