Currently there is no "Test build" mechanism in the game, where I can create my "Visua / virtual" build and test the various configurations before actually dishing out the cbills to create it.
So Ideas about how to overcome what is an absolute shambles of a build process.
Idea 1
Have a drag and drop GUI, that alows EVERYTHING to be dragged into the 1 visualisation in one go. None of this switching tabs to Upgrades/modules etc and having to save between switches
Idea 2
Have a customisational NON DROP "BLUEPRINT" version of a chassis, which you can add/remove components at will that cost nothing and then having done that , allow the Blueprint to be imported into the mech lab or exported so it can be emailed to other players or passed to another player in your friends list via the GUI
any other ideas ??
Edited by Terox, 25 November 2012 - 04:43 AM.