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[Idea] How To Stop Wasting Cbills On Upgrades That Won't Allow Me To Fit The Components I Want

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#1 Terox


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 04:42 AM

I have spent untold millions of cbills, upgrading mechs to then find, I cant fit the components I wanted too, to then have to downgrade and pay again.

Currently there is no "Test build" mechanism in the game, where I can create my "Visua / virtual" build and test the various configurations before actually dishing out the cbills to create it.

So Ideas about how to overcome what is an absolute shambles of a build process.

Idea 1
Have a drag and drop GUI, that alows EVERYTHING to be dragged into the 1 visualisation in one go. None of this switching tabs to Upgrades/modules etc and having to save between switches

Idea 2
Have a customisational NON DROP "BLUEPRINT" version of a chassis, which you can add/remove components at will that cost nothing and then having done that , allow the Blueprint to be imported into the mech lab or exported so it can be emailed to other players or passed to another player in your friends list via the GUI

any other ideas ??

Edited by Terox, 25 November 2012 - 04:43 AM.

#2 Naeron66


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 04:45 AM

Idea 3.
Do a little bit of research on the components and upgrades then look at your mech and think about what will work and what won't.

This one we already have and the new UI will make it easier as it gives more info.

#3 Redshift2k5

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 05:53 AM

A NEW MECHLAB where you can apply endo/ff/dhs/artemis/etc as well as standard components without saving your mech is being worked on.

#4 dario03


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 06:07 AM

That would be nice and I believe idea 1 is supposed to be happening soon but for now you can basically do that out of game with http://mwomercs.com/...echbay-program/

#5 Terox


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 06:41 AM

Thanks, my bad, i normally keep up with the intended implementations, musta missed that bit

#6 Felbombling


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 08:47 AM

Do it the old school way for now, Terox. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil. I figured out the static weight of my Mech with Internal structure, Engine and Armour. Given the engine rating I calculated how many heat sinks I could hide within... [engine rating / 25, rounded down.] Then I whipped up five different designs I thought would work out, but worked them out on paper before hand. I haven't made a mistep yet. For example...


70 tons.......48 crit slots

3.5..............14 Internal Structure [Endo Steel]
25................. 0 Engine/Cockpit/Gyro
13.5.............. 0 Armour
2................... 0 Heat Sinks
26.................34 Available
15.................. 7 Gauss Rifle
3.................... 3 Gauss Ammo
3.................... 3 Medium Laser x 3
3.................... 2 Streak SRM 2 x 2
1.................... 2 CASE x 2
1.5................. 2 Beagle Active Probe

Ok, so in that design I went .5 tons over, so I shaved a little armour off. Working with the base of 26 available tons and 34 available crit spaces, it is easy like cake to design two, three, five... ten different configurations you'd like to try out... safely.

Happy hunting!

Edited by StaggerCheck, 25 November 2012 - 12:49 PM.

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