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Increased Rewards For The 8-Man Matchmaking

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#1 Mu


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 06:44 PM

How would people feel about this being added? 2x would be overkill, but even 1.2x or 1.3x c-bill rewards would go a long way towards keeping 'premades' out of the 1-4 player queue and pubstomping for cash.

I could see potential for abuse with 'win trading' and such but that is going to happen with the current system no matter what you do. I've already seen discussion about taking turns capping for quick cash, although I care about my stats too much to ever bother with that.

It would be nice to think that everybody running 8-man groups is only looking to get a good fight against another organized team but I highly doubt that is the case. Grinding for equipment and EXP is still something most players need to do in order to be 'competitive' so even if they DO want serious competition they don't have the mechs and upgrades they want yet. Which means they will go where the money is - the money is not going to be where you have to fight tooth and nail against STAR COMMANDER DURPHURP and his merry band of MLG pro tryhards, only to end up with huge repair bills. People will still do lame stuff like sync dropping two 4 man groups into the pug queue, just to get money faster.

So if we can drop with 8 and get good fights while still making more money than we would by beating up the poor sods going solo, well that's the definition of win win situation for me.

#2 Blark


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:00 PM

I'm all for it, 8vs8 should yield greater rewards imo.

Win trading is to be expected however, since there are always a few lowlifes out there who don't really want a challenge and will use any way to abuse the system (I've also heard of plans to farm quick cash in 8vs8 and pugstomp in 4 man groups from very few individuals), I hope devs are aware of that and gonna monitor 8vs8 (especially if greater rewards would be introduced) and ban players who try to be extra cheap.

#3 Zphyr


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:09 PM

While it sounds nice as I am in an unit, don't have premium and often drop with a team, I don't see why team vs team should earn more. Dropping with a group, be them friends or strangers, should be a voluntary choice and not to become kind of mandatory if one wish to earn (more) money. It may help promote more team play by "forcing" people to group up, but it would be unfair to them, specially for newer players.

Therefore, no. We already "earn" more by getting into a potentially much more engaging fight. The stated reasons aren't very convincing imho, except in a pure "get more money" pov.

#4 Nutlink


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:14 PM

I like the idea of increased rewards for working with friends. If they're on your friends list and you get an assist with them, get another 10% XP and C-bills, or something like that. Promote people to make friends, although it's a bit more punishing for rookies. Maybe make it so that only on a set game mode, like a friends only game mode.

#5 Broceratops


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:15 PM

yeah why not. i'm not sure it fits into their business model on paper but i think it would help with making the game a funner experience for everyone

#6 River McCain


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:17 PM

Yeald greater rewards for wins and greater penalty for losses, it would only be fair.

#7 Eboli


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:24 PM

Although I see good arguments to why 8v8 premade games should earn more I think that it may create more long term forum grievances for PUG vs Premade players.

We already see too much elitism accusations already on the forum and this would certainly aggravate the MWO community.

Maybe it would be best to leave alone for a while but re-evaluate it once Faction/Planetary warfare is implemented.

Just my 2c worth of opinion.

#8 River McCain


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:28 PM

The 8 man Voip enabled teams will sing a different song once they are only matched agianst other 8 man Voip enabled teams. Stats will change drastically for some.

According to the prophecy.... :)

#9 Kousagi


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:29 PM

Increasing the rewards for 8v8 will also increase the win trading rate. Anything that encourages win trading is bad so. Then again I don't see the 8v8 queue lasting very long. I give it a month tops before its pretty dead and unused by most the player base. Unless they are win trading. Which this is also kinda the reason WoT removed rewards from premade group battles... just saying.

#10 qlz19


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:30 PM

this game works better with a team, make a reward to get them into work with a team
makes sense to me

#11 Dumbkauf


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:35 PM

LOL, kinda think the last month of epenstomfest was enough embarrasment for the 8 man teams?

#12 Mu


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:40 PM

View PostRiver McCain, on 26 November 2012 - 07:28 PM, said:

The 8 man Voip enabled teams will sing a different song once they are only matched agianst other 8 man Voip enabled teams. Stats will change drastically for some.

According to the prophecy.... :)

I would rather lose a match fairly than get randomly placed against two separate organized groups while 4 members of OUR team are first-timers in trial Atlases and/or don't play at all.

View PostKousagi, on 26 November 2012 - 07:29 PM, said:

Increasing the rewards for 8v8 will also increase the win trading rate. Anything that encourages win trading is bad so. Then again I don't see the 8v8 queue lasting very long. I give it a month tops before its pretty dead and unused by most the player base. Unless they are win trading. Which this is also kinda the reason WoT removed rewards from premade group battles... just saying.

Yeah removing rewards sounds like a great way to have absolutely nobody ever use the 8v8 queue. They do still need to test this stuff, so I'd imagine they don't want that to happen.

What they need is to take action against players abusing the system...assuming they are willing to do so. Haven't seen much evidence for that yet. Maybe they're hoping the future implementation of community warfare and public stats are enough incentive to play legit?

#13 Riffleman


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:45 PM

But there IS increased reward.

The reward of being able to play with 8 of your friends.

The reward of games that are no longer pre determined because you wont be rolling over random people but fighting other teams, making the game more exciting and fun.

The reward of increasing your skill level as the challenge level finally goes from faceroll the keyboard to victory, to "we should coordinate builds, and work on strategies for the most popular setups we will fight"

Unless your talking about more reward monetary wise, because now you may get your paint scatched because you and your friends weren't able to LRM the opposite team halfway across the map to victory. Then my advice would be to suck it up, learn to play, and get ready to pay and make the same as someone who plays solo with a win loss closer to 50/50.

#14 Mu


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 08:27 PM

View PostRiffleman, on 26 November 2012 - 07:45 PM, said:

But there IS increased reward.

The reward of being able to play with 8 of your friends.

The reward of games that are no longer pre determined because you wont be rolling over random people but fighting other teams, making the game more exciting and fun.

The reward of increasing your skill level as the challenge level finally goes from faceroll the keyboard to victory, to "we should coordinate builds, and work on strategies for the most popular setups we will fight"

Unless your talking about more reward monetary wise, because now you may get your paint scatched because you and your friends weren't able to LRM the opposite team halfway across the map to victory. Then my advice would be to suck it up, learn to play, and get ready to pay and make the same as someone who plays solo with a win loss closer to 50/50.


hahaha, oh wow.

but your lame strawman aside, playing with 8 and getting real competiton is absolutely what I'm looking forward to. But for now I don't need to grind anymore so I don't care about losing money...many people do, and they aren't gonna farm c-bills in shark-infested waters. I'm just thinking of incentives to get the pubstompers out of the solo queue and into the 8v8. The 4 man premades are still gonna exist, and I bet you'll still be able to drop into the solo queue with 8 if you tried. When we tested that out we were trying to fight EACH OTHER and we ended up on the same team 3 times in a row, even with the same mech classes. It's absolutely disgusting how easy it is.

This is not meant as a longterm solution either way, just something to aid testing. Phase 3 is supposed to be the real fix...eventually. As someone who played quite a bit before grouping even worked I'd like to be able to solo drop once in a while too.

#15 Secundus


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 09:15 PM

I don't really see how 8 man groups need any incentives to form up. The forum is filled with people whining and moaning about not being able to form an 8 man, so why would extra incentive be necessary?

#16 Streeter


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 09:19 PM

View PostSecundus, on 26 November 2012 - 09:15 PM, said:

I don't really see how 8 man groups need any incentives to form up. The forum is filled with people whining and moaning about not being able to form an 8 man, so why would extra incentive be necessary?

I dunno, team game being played as a team game and all that?

#17 Insidious Johnson


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 09:26 PM

No further incentive needed besides not pack muling a whole team to victory. We'll just be glad when 8v8 happens and ecstatic when we can select opponents ourselves so tournament play can resume. The groupies are getting bored hearing tales of old glory days. Even Cartman is having to stoop to being his own groupie. Sad thing is, he's never had one better.

#18 Mycrus


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:09 AM

with the current state of 8-man drops, this is highly warranted - currently 4th 'failed to find match' as i type this...

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