I had a great time... I know its still called Beta but it just like its gelting worse.. Please bring back collision. please let mé play in a 2-8 man group. Please dó something abolut afk. I know i am not alone Many of my clan mates are not playing anymore and the general in game chat is a bit negative to...
See u in a patch or two...
Jonas ACE

Bring Back Closed Beta!
Started by Jonas Ace, Nov 26 2012 02:24 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 26 November 2012 - 02:24 PM
Posted 26 November 2012 - 03:29 PM
They are doing something abolut all these things.
-Problem Solved-
-Problem Solved-
Posted 26 November 2012 - 04:54 PM
So much impatience. We could use more people willing to not just play - but to test to help these guys speed along the process of making things better and fixing bugs. It's part of the deal you sign on for when you sign on to a beta game.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 05:48 PM
The general quality of the MWO community has gone down because of all the new people who've joined us. A lot of the problems you describe are, at least partially, symptoms of that fact, and nothing the developers do to change MWO will really fix it.The MWO experience will improve over time, as some problem players get better, other problem players leave, and the overall quality of the community goes back up to where it was.
Just be patient.
Just be patient.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 06:38 PM
Draxtier, on 26 November 2012 - 05:48 PM, said:
The general quality of the MWO community has gone down because of all the new people who've joined us. A lot of the problems you describe are, at least partially, symptoms of that fact, and nothing the developers do to change MWO will really fix it.The MWO experience will improve over time, as some problem players get better, other problem players leave, and the overall quality of the community goes back up to where it was.
Just be patient.
Just be patient.
I pretty much agree with this. many of the problems are because "the internet sucks".
I would like colisions back...but if they are technically infeasable, I would rather have a game tio play without them, then a black screen that never loads up right with them.
Though, from the closed beta, I have had a much better overall experiance, honestly. the restrictions on groups means I have run across a lot less egomaniacle groups that are just full of jack holes and a lot more pleasant solo people. Not to mention matches that are often more fair to the casual players. When groups do pop into a game, on either side, it's ahrder to pick them out because the playing field is much more level. Thisis not a bad thing.
The game is slowly, but surely, improving. I do think it went open beta a bit early, but it has been making progress, and they have been using feedback, it seems. If you don't like how the game is, and I'm seriously not saying this to be snarky, stop playing now and come back in a month, or two weeks. keep an eye on updates, butotehrwise don't worry about it. The game is still in heavy development, and is changing, a lot, regularly.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 08:37 PM
Ahh... your free, private playground isn't so private anymore? Which part of "massively multiplayer online" confused you? The point of open beta is to find problems like you're describing and fix them. Fixes take time, patience is a virtue.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 08:50 PM
Collisions at present would be stupid. Half the time when I'm playing I'm rubber banding a full map grid on a regular basis. I died the other night after getting bounced out of bounds, running back in and still blowing up even though my screen showed me a full map grid in-bounds. Before the current patch this wasn't an issue. The current patch also seems to have reduced frame rates by 10-15 when it was supposed to be optimizing them.
I'd like to see things added like friend-list messaging/chat, in-game voice chat, and actual factions/campaigns, with PvE as well as PvP content. Imagine also something like Alterac Valley MW style with ability to call in aerospace and artillery, return to base and repair, etc.
As it stands, this is a variant of WoT with various pros and cons. It has the potential to be so much more. At present it isn't massively multiplayer in the normal sense of the name anymore than Doom was massively multiplayer. i realize it's still beta, but I am concerned as the devs seem to be oddly keyed on minor balance issues where there are so many things that are incomplete or non-existent.
I'd like to see things added like friend-list messaging/chat, in-game voice chat, and actual factions/campaigns, with PvE as well as PvP content. Imagine also something like Alterac Valley MW style with ability to call in aerospace and artillery, return to base and repair, etc.
As it stands, this is a variant of WoT with various pros and cons. It has the potential to be so much more. At present it isn't massively multiplayer in the normal sense of the name anymore than Doom was massively multiplayer. i realize it's still beta, but I am concerned as the devs seem to be oddly keyed on minor balance issues where there are so many things that are incomplete or non-existent.
Edited by T Nighthawk, 26 November 2012 - 08:53 PM.
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