Virtusx, on 28 November 2012 - 04:54 PM, said:
Cel knows that PGI is aware of the issue. I
I apologize, my statement could have been clearer. It's not that PGI is aware of the issue, I meant to say that PGI is already aware of the solution. Call of Duty is hardly unique in providing different game modes to accommodate different styles of play. Most multiplayer titles do the same. Mechwarrior Online's closest competitor, Hawken, has already done so.
What these threads indicate to me is a misguided belief that the developers at PGI have somehow never heard of these modes or other games. Look, we're all gamers here. There's likely not a game mode or queue that we haven't encountered before. Why do we assume then that the developers, who are also gamers, do not have the same body of knowledge?
I don't mean to pick on Cel and I apologize if I came off that way.