Can you elaborate what you mean by negative edge behavior?
EvilC is correct in that this has to do with mapping the stick's x/y to emulate mouse, which is currently the way to be able to use absolute inputs in MWO. However MWO is coded for actual mouse inputs, which are relative by their nature. When using a stick emulating mouse using absolute inputs, you have to keep your sensitivities within a range that does not allow you to overshoot the mech's range of travel.
When overshooting, the mech stops moving at it's max travel point but the stick continues to move. However the moment you start moving the stick back towards the other direction, the torso begins to move again, and this leads to a desynchonization between stick and torso, req 'c' centering to get it back in line again. If your sensitivity is too high, this happens too often for the mech to be properly controllable. Ideally your sensitivity setting allows 90-95% of the full travel. It changes from mech to mech, so if it's not easy to change sensitivities you have to pick one that is a good compromise.
Either way, I'm looking forwards to implementing that fix this weekend. I'm also looking forwards to trying this out in Hawken. Hawken doesn't have many actual buttons, but is *MUCH* faster paced that MWO.
Unfortunately Hawken is a terrible game to play with a zero-order joystick. For the same reasons it sucks with my setup it will suck for a functional SB controller. Hawken uses normal fps movement which means the y axis works as normal, but the x axis is slaved to your steering(!) so movement and aim in one and the same on that axis so as such you need a relative input device to manipulate it due to the req for infinite range of movement, in diametric opposition to a joystick running absolute inputs.
This kills it. I really wanted to love Hawken and knew about it years before MWO, and in fact it was doing one of my Hawken update search loops that led me to MWO's waiting arms, so for me the disappoint was very strong cause I dreamed about piloting a Hawken mech in a cockpit before MWO was even a twinkle in Russ's eye. Healthbars, strafing, etc, it's literally a standard fps with mech skins. If the mechs had multiple hitboxes it would be much better, but until the controls aren't just standard fps it's a non-starter for me cause my fancy mech joystick is a paperweight in that game and I have no desire to start mousing around, nor start playing a shooter with a first-order control joystick. Unfortuntely there is no place for a proper zero-order joystick in Hawken.
I patched and played again the other day. No change, although they did just do a huge revision of the whole game. However it's the same movement/controls, and in the end that is what makes the game absolutely unplayable for me, enhanced by the transparent gimmicky fps mechanics.
The only way my controls even sorta work is to use my stick as normal, but additionally map mouse left/right to buttons on my throttle (would use my pedals if Saitek SST didn't suck so bad...). It's possible that software other than TARGET can handle this function better, which would make the experince better, but TARGET handles this function pretty poorly (allows 360deg range but with a 'stop' at 0/360 and does not allow infinite travel), but even the best implementation by necessity involves generating conflicting mouse inputs that at best still make controlling a mech wonky.