I'm looking forward to join a unit since PUGing while fun is not so fun when everybody does whatever he feels (me included) and not even basic tactics are involved. Though I am kinda old (35yo+) and played all Mechwarrior games since the age of DOS I am an active player and willing to attend frequent gameplay sessions even on a daily or almost daily basis though on a casual mood.
Since I am from Greece my only choice is House Marik ofc:p
I wasn't into lore of BT but since the last game i played was MW4 aions ago i'm trying to get into that too - back then i was too young.
I have voip programs (TS/VENT/mUMBLE,skype etc) installed even C3 in my futile attempt to find some randoms to play.
Call sign: atm Gothbot (Soon to beTerminus Est when/if i will be able to change it)
Mech: HBK-4H (LBX-10AC or Gauss with 5 MLAS, DHS, endo, elites skills unlocked)
Role: Close or ranged support. (In pugs i often charge to enemy base to disrupt their ranks)
Class looking to play: Medium and Assault.
Other interests: Everything Warhammer 40k.
Feel free to contact me, hire, enlist