Pvt Dancer, on 10 May 2012 - 12:41 PM, said:
I like pots calling the kettle black... heh, fan boys. Organised competitive teams? Competitive league play? If they were real battletech fans, they would be happy there is a chance out there the game is going to be done right, finially. I have been waiting 25 years for a real battletech game, not some wanna-be Clan laser orgy.
The problem with the 'truily competitive' is that they do /not/ fix what they fine to be broken. They are exploiters to conceal the fact to give themselves an edge. The 'truily competitive' min-maxers are people who only try to break games, not make them better. They do not make reports saying 'hey, look at what I can do!'. The Devs get it from other people saying, 'Holy crap, can they do that?' Meanwhile the exploiters are having the time of their life till their exploit gets fixed. Then if the fix truily makes it so they can not have the most powerful thing in the game, the 'nerf hammer' on the forums comes out and they just leave... because they are not here to enjoy the game for the game itself, they are here for their own enjoyment at everyone else's expense.
I know people like this who I consider to be friends... we can't play games together because I am not a 'power player'.
I think that's a bit harsh for a few reasons.
I played in NBT, which was a puretech league
We were an IS periphery unit, ILP and later MH. We fought Clan units using IS mechs and weapons. Our favourite mech was the Argus. So it certainly was no "Clan laser orgy".
By organised competitive teams I really just mean a unit of players who practice together, and play games against other units, in a league. It's organised since you're using tools like TeamSpeak to coordinate in-game, and it's competitive since the basic aim is to win, plus there are over-arching objectives like capturing planets. Clearly, MWO is set-up for this kind of meta-game right from the start. I didn't mean to come across as elitist at all, just emphasising that for someone to to truly understand how MWO plays out, just what is possible, just what works and what doesn't, what is balanced and isn't, what are the best mechs and the best weapons, will IMO require a group of dedicated players in a unit trying to beat another set of dedicated players in a unit. I mean isn't it common in pretty much all on-line games for the players themselves to push the game mechanics to the limit?
You've also just accused all competitive players of being exploiters which seems like a bit of a generalisation. I play to win, I enjoy trying to find the most effective load-outs, finding tactics to beat the opposition, and playing with a group of cohesive, like-minded players. In no way does any of that suggest I'm fine with exploits.
I should probably have stayed away from the phrase fan boy since that too is a bit of a generalisation, to say the least.