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On 7.1 Surround, Left Channel Returns Corrupted When Walking In Water And Firing

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Poll: On 7.1 Surround, Left Channel Returns Corrupted When Walking In Water And Firing (68 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 Kyle Polulak


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  • LocationVancouver, BC

Posted 04 December 2012 - 11:43 AM

On 7.1, if the User is piloting any Mech and is moving, looking around or firing any Weapon, a corrupted SFX can be heard in the left channel.

Steps to Reproduce
1. Boot the game.
2. Login to the game.
3. Launch a match.
4. Fire weapons while standing in water
5. Observe corrupted sfx.

Does not occur on 5.1 or lower.


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