I wanted to spend a couple days evaluating and researching ECM in MWO, and the Battletech rules, instead of just knee-jerking a reaction.
Per the Classic BattleTech Master Rules, page 136:
"An ECM suite has an effect radius of 6 hexes that creates a “bubble” around the carrying unit. The ECM’s disruptive abilities affect all enemy units inside this bubble, as well as any line of
sight traced through the bubble. It has no effect on units friendly to the unit carrying the ECM."
-Active Probes: Active probes cannot penetrate the ECM’s area of effect. The probing unit would notice that it is being jammed.
-Artemis IV FCS: ECM blocks the effects of the Artemis IV FCS. Artemis-equipped launchers may be fired as normal missiles through the ECM, but the Missile Hits Table bonus is lost.
Narc Missile Beacon: Missiles equipped to home in on an attached Narc pod lose the Missile Hits Table bonus for that system if they are affected by ECM. The Narc launcher itself is
not affected by ECM.
-C3 Computer: ECM has the effect of “cutting off” any C3 equipped unit from its network. If a C3 master unit is isolated from the network by being inside the ECM radius, the entire portion of the network “below” it is effectively shut off (all units subordinate to it on the diagram on p. 135).
Only those C3 units that can draw an LOS to the master unit that does not pass into or through the ECM radius can access the network."
Based on the above, ECM should only cloak the mech it is mounted on, not all friendly units within the 180m radius. Narc should still allow targeting, but the missle bonus is lost, and transmitting targeting data should still work if line of sight with the "master unit" - which could be whoever grabs the commander function in a drop.
This would still allow for scouts to be stealthy and get targeting info for their team, or for heavier mechs, allow for the ablity to hide location of part of their force if those mechs have ECM equipped. LRMs and Streaks would be less effective/not effective against those units, but still would be effective against non-ECM equipped mechs.
ATM, overall this is having a negative impact on gameplay. For PUGs, or 4 man groups with PUGs, since you have no idea what you will drop with, it almost forces everyone to select an ECM capable mech equipped with ECM. This limits or removes the ablity to run with a preferred mech and configuration, reducing the variety of game play and limiting tactics to hiding under the ECM umbrella.
For 8 man group drops it's even worse. After over a dozen drops, what we saw was:
-9 of the 12 had 2 ECM fast mechs and 6 assaults fit for short range punch. Of those 9, 7 had over 4 Atlas D-DCs!
-7 of the matches were straight out base rush under ECM cover, with no attempt to engage in any kind of tactics.
-4 of those matches had the enemy all crowded around their base under the ECM umbrella.
-1 match there was an actual engagement mid map with some attempt at movement and tactics.
-3 of the matches had an actual spread of mechs from lights to assaults that gave a balance of capabilities.
Add to that that the 8 man premade drops has no balancing mechanism as far as tonnage or composition, and you have a very static type of gameplay developing, where assaults, the Raven and the Cicada are the only things you will find most of the time, This limits the variety of gameplay possible, and also forces play based around a very limited composition and fit.