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Bap Balance Idea

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#1 durmeth


  • 1 posts

Posted 06 December 2012 - 06:20 PM

In a lot of the BattleTech canon material, while it states that the Beagle Active Probe is affected by ECM, it also states that the probe would know that it is being jammed. To help give BAP some usefulness against a full ECM team, maybe we should let BAP equipped mechs see the active ECM jamming spheres generated by all ECM mechs in their radar LOS. This information could be transferable via 3C, assuming the BAP mech is outside the ECM sphere of influence. This would give BAP a semi-soft counter to ECM, and give some minor draw back to utilizing ECM.
· BAP is not useless equipment in a match versus a large amount of ECM.
· BAP becomes “Standard Equipment,” where no one drops without it.
· Utilizing ECM may become counter-intuitive, as in a high BAP utilization environment, you may give away your approximate position far easier than if you were not utilizing ECM. Example, flanking up the hill side of the forest map, a BAP equipped mech would more than likely notice your ECM bubble sticking out from between the hills, even if the mech itself remained out of LOS.
· Risk of battle grid clutter in cases of high enemy ECM utilization.
· Seems like this idea might become resource intensive to implement.


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