Thanks Mimnock for the info,
If anyone is experience a weird issue with their video card, (example, their video card driver crashing and recovering, crashes etc.) I found a fix that could solve your issue. (It might fix other 500 series Nvidia cards)
In your Nvidia control panel, (easiest way to get there is right click on your desktop and open the Nvidia control panel)
Manage 3D Settings > Global Settings > look for Power Management Mode (mine is the 11th option down from the top) it defaults to adaptive, change it to Prefer Maximum Performance (its a drop down option).
The reason behind this is the 560 Ti video card and possibly the 500 series video cards require more power than the adaptive setting can give, changing it to Prefer Maximum Performance gives it all the power it needs and corrects the video card driver crashing issue.
(I had BigLead try this, along with Kufu, Kenshar, and Zealot and I believe it corrected their issues they were having)
For a slight FPS boost you can change Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration to single display performance mode if you're using one monitor.

Nvidia 560 Ti( And Possibly The 500 Family)
Started by Biglead, Dec 06 2012 04:31 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:31 PM
Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:35 PM
In a 3 hour period I used to crash upwards of 13+ times. I had sent so many Crashdump files to Support that they replied "Stop Sending them". After this tweak I am down to about four crashes in a 3 hour period. Usually from a black screen hangup coming out of a match.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:46 PM
Anybody mess with the 3D program settings?
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