Ricama, on 06 December 2012 - 07:58 PM, said:
First I was going to say something along the lines of to some winning is fun then I had another look at your post. an AC20cat, one aforementioned D-DC, no less than two Gausscats, a dual-Gauss Illyas... a smattering of other ECM mechs. So 6 different mech designs. I'm actually really surprised about the D-DC, I thought the current meta was an AC-20 instead of a gauss.
The 8 vs 8 meta is way too new right now for anyone to have tactics against any power team (although I thought that was the point of 8 vs 8: no holds bar bring your best), which means you get to be the first, please let us know when you crack it.
I'm actually curious what you're bringing to matches, where do you think the line is between effective and cheesy.
Sure! Forgive me if I don't splat the loadouts right here, but we've got a few main rules we hold ourselves to:
Don't stick Gauss or tank guns in machinegun ports (AKA no K2 with AC10s, Gauss, AC20s)
Don't abuse poor netcoding/client performance/packetloss to our benefit (we self-restrict our mechs to in the 115-120 range, and don't use Flamers at the moment for how spastic they make some minspec computers)
Don't suicide by heat, out of bounds, or friendly fire to cheat the enemy of a kill
Don't be a tard.
Don't do things that'd make the game ferociously unfun not only for your team, but for the other team. It's largely subjective, if we find something that some other side is doing is 'wrong', by general decision, we usually don't do it. And what's more, it's not something that we impose on our group, it's something the group was founded on. Fair play, fun, victory by skill and ability...instead of flowchart.
Not to say we don't optimize builds, but for instance, we've had PPC-main Atlas. Triple LargePulse Cat-C1. We have an Awesome that moves in the upper 80s. It's not about "what's best", it's about "what's fun", and then we make it the best we can.
Hopefully what's both fun and not ludicrous will stand a chance when piloted competently in the future. I really ought to say, generally speaking, we have done spectacularly well, this being the Sharks' first cohesive foray into 8v8 (even with the extreme technical problems after about 9pm EST resulting in many 7-6v8s or other handicaps), totalling around 11W/3L give or take one on either number, for the ones I participated in or spectated or watched on one member's Livestream.
Those three losses were, one to Blazing Aces with spectacular coordination of a highly mobile hammer/anvil team, one to a Steiner Recon Company of D-DC ECM AC20-SRM18 baserush clump, and one to the team I described originally.
Yes, we did well. We probably deserved the W/L we have currently running. But I'd really have liked it to be more to good teams, instead of good spreadsheets.