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My Thoughts On Overall Balance Adjustments

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#1 DrVulcan


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 08:26 PM

First off, I would like to state that my group and I feel that ECM is fantastic overall, and has added much to the game.

We also feel that the people making this game are doing a fantastic job with Mechwarrior and we look forward to play it for years to come.

With that said,after careful consideration of interaction of various balancing options and discussion with my group, I would like to suggest the following:

1) BAP allows the BAP user targeting of ECM mechs within the ECM field. The targeting time will still be effected by the ECM field however you will be able to target them.

1b) BAP provides an additional +5% range in targeting overall

2) BAP is limited by Mech chassis, similar to how ECM and Jump Jets are now, however much less limited than those are currently.

3) NARC is active for the at least (3) minutes, with up to (5) minutes depending on play testing, and works through ECM.

4) TAG no longer works through ECM, and its range remains what it is currently as of the 12/4/12 patch.

5) ECM creates a base of 1 heat for the mech operating it.

6) PPCs create a HUD disruption, where you lose your aiming cross-hairs for T+-2 seconds.

7) PPCs have a -0.5 or -1 heat reduction per round.

8) Double HS gain +0.1 to their heat dissipation rate.

9) SRM 'lag' fire time is reduced to be on par with ACs, however base fire spread is increased by 5%. Artimus spread does not suffer from this '5%' nerf (making more of a difference in artimus SRMs).

10) Pulse Laser Length of Fire is reduced by 5%, to further increase viability with heat of weapons with a tighter spread.

I feel that the above should make for a more enjoyable experience overall.

Edited by DrVulcan, 06 December 2012 - 08:33 PM.

#2 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 08:39 PM

i'm i getting the feeling this post is an ecm's fine but.....

oh and point 4 the only thing left to keep missles in the game.... don''t go there.

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 06 December 2012 - 08:40 PM.

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