I would be interested in community supported projects for hire.
Let me explain what I mean. Ideas can be suggested by the community in a forum format with popular ideas reviewed by the developers. If they are feasable the ideas are added to the project board and given a quote for completion. A monthly subscription (so many tickets per month) or a single/multiple ticket purchase can be bought by a player and donated toward a project. In doing this we are also granted credits which can be used to purchase newly developed content. Players can also earn said content by playing but also can get to new content much faster by donating. This provides incentive and direction for new content and encourages the community to not only donate but also take part in the development. The funding board and ideas can be accessed from the in game menu and browsed.
The projects can be seen filtered depending on various factors for players interests. When a project reaches 100% it will then reach a priority to be worked on depending on how much funding is behind it and who can work on it. Funding above the threshold can either increase the priority, increase the content, or both. Some of the funding is released when work begins on the project and the rest of the funds are released on completion of the project. If a project fails to receive the funding needed to complete it and or just can't be completed then its funding ticket goes back to the player who funded it along with an in game e-mail. They then have a chance to reallocate their ticket to a different project if desired but with in a time-frame or else it gets split among all projects available. Anyone who doesn’t want to contribute to a specific project their funds also become part of the general funding that is equally distributed to all projects and the player still gets their credits. When a project is completed all funding tickets that went into the project are terminated.
It is sort of like mercenary work paid for by the community. Of course this is really up to the developers but I thought it was an interesting idea and could be applied to many types of software development.

Community Supported Projects For Hire
Started by Raenen, Dec 11 2012 09:22 AM
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