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2X4 Man Team Stop It

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#81 shintakie


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Posted 08 December 2012 - 07:17 PM

View PostRicama, on 08 December 2012 - 05:08 PM, said:

Max 1 team per side ... how hard is this?

Whats annoyin is that was supposed to be the plan. For some reason, either a technical limitation or a deliberate choice they backed off that plan.

#82 Sevaradan


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Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:17 PM

or just a lack of programming skillz...

#83 Kasiagora


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Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:55 PM

I read until page 3 when my ADD kicked in too much for me to keep fighting it. Now I just want my company to do 8v8 sync drops so we can battle each other. The only thing more fun than battling big stompy robots is trying to kill your friends' big stompy robots.

#84 PiWright42


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Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:36 PM

View PostMavairo, on 08 December 2012 - 08:20 AM, said:

No it IS a spreadsheet.
Also goons/starfleet dental. Nice to see you guys in MWO ;)

Ontopic: Sync dropping if it's going on needs to stop. Ya'll should feel bad about yourselves. Though if you're doing it, you're probably bad enough to get stomped by a 4 man premade and semi organized pugs anyway.


@ Everyone else unfamiliar with Goons/Dental. They are the folk you love to hate. Really they are hilarious and can be fun to hang with but if some get a chance some, (like Sneaky McThief), will rob you blind.In a metaphorical, pixelated sense of course. They'd never do such a thing in real life.

Nope just some wild and crazy guys with a passion for role playing dental hygiene, physical fitness and fire drills. They love to do fire drills, while they do pushups on your skull.

Did I mention the fire drills?

I hope they do not add fire extinguishers to this game. Can you imagine commandos running around shooting fire extinguishers everywhere for the whole match? If that did happen I would suspect Dental.

Here's the thing, I doubt Goons/Dental would play this as much as their primary justification, ERP, has little chance of getting played out in this kind of game. Well unless they add something like actual guild, fleets, or whatever. The leader of the Goons loves to break into and dismantle player organizations. He likens it to spy craft.

Oh yeah synch dropping, you know as a PuGger I have noticed some OpFor teams that were a little too well coordinated for a PuG match. I hope that sych dropping is not the culprit, but if it is at least I can blame my mediocrity on something.

Edited by PiWright42, 08 December 2012 - 10:40 PM.

#85 Shadowsword8


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Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:52 PM

I will never complain about being stomped by a coordinated team if I choose to pug.

But I really despise the mentality that go with exploiting loopholes in game mechanics to get an artificial, before-the-match-even-start advantage. 8v8 matchs are there for a reason, and circonventing them is the way for 8-man teams to deliberately avoid other coordinated opponents.

In short, they are cowards who want to play the game with training wheels. PGI should do something to prevent syncdrops.

#86 Taizan

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 12:24 AM

View PostLefty Lucy, on 08 December 2012 - 06:28 PM, said:

So then it's better to give someone else a frustrating game experience of having to fight someone else on 3rd party coms abusing the match making mechanic to defeat the limit of 4 players max on a team?



At no point I said it was better. Saying that you can understand a problem does not mean you prefer it to be that way. Of course not and yes limiting each team to 1 group (regardless of size) per team should do the trick.

What I'm saying is that players tend to go the way of the least resistance, so if they fix it it has to be made
in a viable way without any loophole.

#87 Kaziganthi


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 12:55 AM

yep the only real way I can agree on them fixing the issue, is to limit 1 x 4 man group per side with weight restrictions.

#88 David Decoster


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 01:22 AM

View PostRannos, on 08 December 2012 - 06:29 AM, said:

On the plus side, syncing isn't a perfect science so you may end up with 4mans on both sides! Then you just gotta hope they're not goons who will wait till you're all dead to hounoure duel in the caldera. :)
Why not? Seems like a perfectly profitable tactic to me. :( I'm sure the respectable gentlemen at Lowtax Intl. would tend to agree.

#89 ApolloKaras


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 01:33 AM

I've been getting a lot of QQ'ing in the main chat about being a 4 man premade....

#90 Insidious Johnson


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 01:45 AM

View PostKaziganthi, on 09 December 2012 - 12:55 AM, said:

yep the only real way I can agree on them fixing the issue, is to limit 1 x 4 man group per side with weight restrictions.

And how do they know which of the 4 man groups hitting enter at the same time are not paired together and which are? The reason people are playing twin 4x groups more than 8 manning it is that they want to play other mechs besides ECM mechs or AtlaiOnline. Every time the puglets scream imba, the devs turn the imba cannons on them. It'll get fixed whenever phase 3 fixes the stuff they didn't think to think of at the time they fixed it. But gratz puglets, you get to scream about life not being fair for a bit more. The only thing which should be aggressively limited is the whine preceding the emminent nerfvalanche. You pugs whined for more "fairness". Well, it came. It also came from PGI, you know the guys who gave you the initial unfairness you so loathe. So everyone else got PGI'd on. Rather than "test" what is known to be "broken" is pointless most wings don't play anymore or threaten to come back "when it is finished". Non pug groups have been struggling to retain members in the face of a game which seems intent on making them flee the genre. Few will be playing 8v8 since the past month has been nothing but a sales pitch for other games. Well, now most wings are off doing just that. So, can't corral two 8 man groups to sync up vs eachother easily, so the natural slide downhill results in the dog getting kicked last. Guess who the dog is here. I'm sure this one is both metaphorical and a pug. Get used to the boots. Prepare for steel toed upgrades. Have a great harvest!

#91 Asmosis


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:20 AM

all it needs is a hard limit of one team per side, blamo problem solved. I'd still prefer a pug only queue, but theres probably not enough teams to support a team only queue.

@above. umad?

Edited by Asmosis, 09 December 2012 - 02:23 AM.

#92 Naeron66


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:24 AM

View PostBarnaby Jones, on 08 December 2012 - 06:32 AM, said:

What the op is trying to say is "Stop playing MY team game as a team".

No, he's saying "Stop exploiting the MM by using sync drops to get an 8 man premade vs PUGs".

#93 Lefty Lucy


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:24 AM

View PostInsidious Johnson, on 09 December 2012 - 01:45 AM, said:

And how do they know which of the 4 man groups hitting enter at the same time are not paired together and which are? The reason people are playing twin 4x groups more than 8 manning it is that they want to play other mechs besides ECM mechs or AtlaiOnline.

But from what I've seen pre-made players are stacking ECM mechs in the PUG queues too. What this says to me is that they want to be able to *use* the tools, without having to worry about *fighting* the tools. It's pretty weak-sauce.

#94 Asmosis


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:26 AM

PGI should just juryrig ECM onto EVERY trial mech. That'd solve 90% of the problems atm since most posts about ECM relate to one side having it and the other not having it.

#95 Gdad77


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:33 AM

i've never done this but there needs to be a better option for 5-6-7man grps than going against 8 man premades, or as i have splitting into 3's and trying to sync.

#96 Lefty Lucy


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:34 AM

View PostGdad77, on 09 December 2012 - 02:33 AM, said:

i've never done this but there needs to be a better option for 5-6-7man grps than going against 8 man premades, or as i have splitting into 3's and trying to sync.

How about you split into 3s and *don't* try to sync.

#97 Naeron66


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:36 AM

View Postnuttycide, on 08 December 2012 - 11:30 AM, said:

Ya know even if 2 4man groups try to synch their launch for a match, that doesn't mean they will be on the same side all the time. Me and some friends did the synch for launch, and 50% of the time was fighting against each other. 40% of the time we didn't even end up on the same game. It was really only 10% of the time we actually ended up on the same team, but this was after 20 games of synching for launch. So it's not like they will always end up on the same team.

Bad mech choices.

I have been in a sync drop team and we managed a 75% success rate for being in the same team,

#98 TruePoindexter


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:51 AM

View PostLefty Lucy, on 09 December 2012 - 02:34 AM, said:

How about you split into 3s and *don't* try to sync.

Because that would be fair. Just ran into an 8 man that sync drops and laughed about it. My guess is that they were trying to practice 8 man tactics - as if 8 random pugs could hope to offer much more than target practice.

Seriously guys - just don't do it. If you have 8 people do 8 mans. There are plenty of lower grade 8 man groups to fight against that are on public TS and you can't hope to get better if you don't play against continually better players. All you are doing is picking on the masses for your own amusement. You're quite literally trolling the MWO community.

Edited by TruePoindexter, 09 December 2012 - 02:53 AM.

#99 SpiralRazor


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:52 AM

Actually, what he is really saying is that the Qs need to be further separated.

One for purely solo players and two man groups.

One for 4 man lances

One for full 8 v 8, moving to 12 v 12 when implemented.

Edited by SpiralRazor, 09 December 2012 - 02:57 AM.

#100 TruePoindexter


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:55 AM

View PostSpiralRazor, on 09 December 2012 - 02:52 AM, said:

Actually, what he is really saying is that the Qs need to be further separated.

One for purely solo players and two man groups.

One for 4 man lances

One for full 8 v 8, moving to 12 v 12 when implemented.

Personally I think limiting it to one 4 man premade per team and the rest pugs is fine.

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