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Mech usage in battle

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 04:34 AM

Have they stated how mechs will be available to us for battle?

Will we have an allotment of slots for each tonnage? Say 3 light mechs, 3 med mechs, and so forth?

I know there are 2 types of gameplay slated so far, so the one way is easy…pick a mech and go. But will this be like WOT (world of tanks) where you get a bonus for each 1st win of the day? Will we be limited to what we can pick for the battle where we get 3 mech for the drop?

I think It would improve variety and gameplay if your drop was restricted by weight. Say 200 tons, so you could bring a 100 tonner, and two 50 tonners, or any variation of that.

Lots O’ questions I know.

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 04:51 AM

Lots of questions and precious few answers. The Ask the Devs #2 touches on the issue of how to balance the teams, although tonnage is not an ideal metric.


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