Syllogy, on 10 December 2012 - 09:32 AM, said:
Before DHS, I had major heat issues.
By upgrading to DHS, my heat feels much more manageable, and my damage per match has gone up considerably.
DHS is worth the upgrade, but you might have to sacrifice where your ammo goes, or even how much you bring to a fight.
Oh, DHS is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. Just for the engine heat sinks alone.
The problem is not that it isn't an upgrade, the problem is that stock mechs that relied on DHS will be even worse than the existing stock mechs that are based on SHS.
PGI should have, from the start, worked to balance the stock configurations to be reasonably balanced, to have the type of heat problems they had (if any) from the table top. Or they should have just forgotten about stocks and made their own mechs, customized for their game.
The current approach is just horrible, and decisions like DHS 2.0/1.4 are just adding on top of it. It frustrates me to no end that they didn't show more cleverness here.
Unless I am assuming competence before malevolence, as usual, and the true reason they made the system as is was to make stock mechs horrible and force people to buy new mechs as fast as possible.
I want to sit in one of their game designer meetings where they discuss weapon and mech balance and actually show them the errors of their ways, and I fully know how fracking arrogant that sounds.

But it's just so damn frustrating that we could bring this up in Closed Beta and it was ignored - not even discussed, not even disproven, just ignored, and it keeps doing that. What's the point of the Beta?
And there are so many other things still to consider. 3049+ is a time of transition to new, more advanced tech in the Battletech Universe. Tech that majorly affects how mechs are designed, and how the game is played. All these upgrades will affect the pace of the game considerably, and it seems to me as if PGI never really thought about how to deal with this. If this game is sitll around in 2 years and the Clan wars is in full motion, and Clan mechs are around that can twice the firepower 3025 mechs will arrive, but still have the same armour levels, they will have another big pacing problem at their hand...
And how can I believe they will be able to handle this if they made their first mistake in translating the ruleset when they made their rate of fire changes without considering how it affects heat generation/dissipation... and when they see "heat management is important" but still say "we may add other heat effects at a later data"....