RoToR, on 23 June 2016 - 07:58 AM, said:
Hi, I am an occasional player since I have little time to enjoy online gaming, and besides my old PC can barely handle this game (actually playing at 800 x 600, 10 to 20 fps). I usually die fast since I can't really aim in time and because I an a n00b. However, I have noticed several smurfy's loadouts with little back armor (6 to 10 points). Is that a good config in general, or just good for some type of match? I am playing MW since the very first one (with those old x286 processors... sigh) and never seen such low values.
Thanks in advance.
If you're playing right, you'll still get shot in the front. You mostly get shot in the back when you've made mistakes. So invest in an asset you want to use, not one you want to avoid using. This becomes a virtuous cycle: low back armor makes you play smarter, smarter play makes you need it less, etc.
I don't think I have more than 4 back armor on anything but a brawling assault and those maybe have 8. I go as low as 1 on ranged lights.
Edited by TercieI, 23 June 2016 - 08:29 AM.