At long range, the ERPPC will cause with this layout about 1/3rd of heat while allowing decent damage, kill assists, etc. The 3 MPLs are fairly dangerous and with this layout, you can keep firing these three weapons for an extended ammount of time before going heat critical, and, if needed, you can use the strk2 and erppc for extra punch.
This mech is an excellent money grinder. I usually come out with 300-550 damage a round, almost always with a victory. The mech is an excellent support and for team players.
In my opinion, the CN9-AL is heavily under-rated. But again, to each his own. I've had far more success with this build than I've had with a K2, hunchie or even an awesome. I've been considering to run a new centurion with 2mpls, ac10 and perhaps a sstrk2.
My main advice with the centurion is this: Don't rambo. The mech can take quite a punch while delivering a good punch, and with a present engine speed of ~69-ish kmh speed, the mech is possibly the most adaptable mech available in MWO, at least until the Trebuchet comes up
Edited by TitanSeraph, 13 December 2012 - 07:13 AM.