Clan Superiority
Posted 08 January 2013 - 02:52 AM
IS Commando 2D:
XL 210 engine
3 Streak 2's
1 Med Pulse laser
Double HS
Full Armor.
Clan Commando 2D
XL 210
2 Clan Streak 2's
1 Clan ER Large Laser
-1/2 ton of armor
Seems not too different right? well here's the interesting thing.
First of all, the IS XL 210 as we all know takes up 12 crit slots, meaning this breaches the side torsos. the CLAN XL 210 only takes up 8. What this means is that, while you sacrifice the 3rd missle slot, the engine remains within the center torso. You now have the survivability of a mech with a standard engine, at XL weight. Ok, so.. thats kinda bonkers.
Next on the list, for the IS Ferro and Endo, they each take up 14 critical slots. Meaning that 28 slots of your mech are gone. IS Ferro, gives you 12% increased protection and roughly a 3-4% weight reduction, and Endo gives you a 10% weight reduction. Now lets compare to Clan Ferro and Endo. While Clan Endo remains the same in terms of weight reduction, Clan Ferro, instead of giving you 12%, now gives you 20% protection. The biggest head turner about these is how many critical slots each takes up. With Clan Ferro and endo, each now only take up 7 critical slots each, meaning that 14 slots are gone. HALF the amount of the IS equivalents, 28.
So already, based on these calculations, we've found out that with Clan tech in just the engine, ferro and endo alone, you save you save 18 critical slots on this mech. no weight changes, just open slots. But what about the weaponry?
Looking back at the IS build, we had 3 streak 2's, a medium pulse laser, and ECM. Each IS Streak 2 weighs 1.5 tons, and 1 critical slot. The meidum pulse laser is 2 tons for 1 slot, and the ECM is 1.5 Tons for 2 Slots. Now Compare to the Clan build. The clan build takes off a Streak 2 due to the engine taking up the slot. Clan Streak 2's weight 1 ton for 1 slot, in comparison to the 1.5 for 1. So losing the 1 streak 2, you save 1 ton. Next, the Medium Pulse laser are the same in weight a slots for both IS and Clan, but you don't see a Med pulse on the Clan version, do you? Instead you see a Clan ER Large laser. Now where is the extra tonage coming from to fit that? The ER Large weighs 4 tons. That comes with the next bit. IS ECM weights 1.5 tons for 2 Slots. Clan ECM weighs 1 ton for 1 slot. So far, we've chopped off 3.5 tons and have saved 1 slot. Shave off a half ton of armor, and you now have an ER Large Laser on here.
In comparison to the IS build, the Clan build is Ambitious and Far more greedy. Your heat is nowhere near as good, 2/3's worse in the Clan build, but you now have far more variety in what you can do. You're now a 150 KPH sniper with that ER Large.
While this build may not be completely optimal, you can take these concepts and translate them over to other mechs. Atlas, Awesomes, heck the Hunchback, become far far more versatile and dangerous with Clan Technology. This examination of the two systems in technology shows that Clan tech will be FAR superior to IS tech come the Clan invasion (which, based on the time, is coming upon us rather quickly).
We will be doing more Clan vs IS comparison builds, and i'll be posting them up as we finish them.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 07:16 AM
Dragosi, on 08 January 2013 - 02:52 AM, said:
Clan XL engine takes 2 slots in each of side torsos (instead of 3 for IS XL), 6 in CT + 2 in RT + 2 in LT = 10 slots total.
Mostly correct, except "increased protection" in reality means "decreased armor weight" (by 12% and 20% respectively). The maximum amount of armor points on the mech remains the same, it just becomes lighter.
Engine won't take extra slots, see above.
You are making some serious assumptions:
1. That PGI will allow for Clan equipment and upgrades (i.e. engine, FF armor, ES structure, ECM, etc.) to be put on IS mech. IIRC, this is against TT rules, not 100% positive though.
2. That PGI will allow mixed tech at all (i.e. Clan weapons on IS mech or IS weapons on Clan mech).
Posted 08 January 2013 - 07:40 AM
The other thing here, is that Clan tech is hella expensive, and with a possible return of repair and re-arm (I really do hope it returns, but properly balanced - if only for Community Warfare), people won't be able to afford using it all the time.
To compare, the Commando-1B (stock) comes with a SRM 2, Medium Laser and a Large Laser, and costs 1,820,000 C-bills. In Table Top it's Battle Value (basically a rating of how good it is) is 616.
The Mist Lynx, a Clan 25 Ton 'Mech has a few different variants. The most comparable one in terms of BV is The Mist Lynx-A variant, with a BV of 608. So in TT terms, they are about equal in terms of value. The A variants comes with a 175 XL engine (Clan of course), Jump Jets, FF & ES, Clan Double Heat sinks, Clan TAG, 2x AMS, 2x Machine Guns, 1 Flamer, 3 tons of AMS ammo and a Active Probe. Cost - 4,801,042. That's 3 million extra C-bills for a 'Mech which has an equivalent rating.
Cost and numbers are going to be what balances Clan and IS Tech. It takes the Inner Sphere several years to begin to reverse engineer some of the advanced Clan tech they salvaged through the war (which wasn't much as most of those years were spent getting their butts kicked).
Posted 08 January 2013 - 09:03 AM
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 08 January 2013 - 09:04 AM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 02:44 PM
Posted 08 January 2013 - 02:58 PM
Dragosi, on 08 January 2013 - 02:44 PM, said:
Nova Prime comes with 12 ERML stock, but it overheats on alpha strike even in TT - with our "new and improved" DHS in MWO its usefulness is doubtful.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 03:48 PM
Posted 08 January 2013 - 04:46 PM
There is a long, long gap of time between when the IS encountered the clans, and when they could reverse engineer copies. Until then, and even after the fact, there are only rare cases of IS machines even being compatible with clan tech - and most of those were brand spankin' new post-clan designs like the Penetrator. It would be like trying to run Jaguar on Windows 7. Some sort of incompatibility that precludes one weapon system from running another.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 05:20 PM
To the point; yeah, Clan-tech is, ton-for-ton, slot-for-slot better in pretty much every way. For this reason, I believe (and this is pure speculation) that PGI will have to break canon a bit for balance's sake. In order to keep the Houses and Clans on even footing, something will have to be done that makes Clan-tech a trade off in some way. PGI will probably make upgrades like FF, Endo, ECM, DHS etc etc universal (i.e. Clan and IS versions are no different) so that players will not be able to take advantage of the huge weight savings that could be had from using Clan-tech upgrades. Now, as for the weapons like I said PGI will probably break canon a bit to give Clan weapons drawbacks to go with their advantages. I can see Clan lasers having better range and being lighter, but generating significantly more heat and having a longer cycle time. Missiles will be lighter, but carry fewer ammo per-slot and per-ton, limiting missile spam. Ballistics would be longer range but take up more space... again these are all just examples of what PGI could or might do, to get the idea accross that I seriously doubt they will stick close to canon (after all, crunch trumps fluff and balance trumps lore)
Posted 08 January 2013 - 06:16 PM
Either they fight with numbers but lower tech or fight with more optimized tech but lower numbers. Fair trade off to me.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 05:30 AM
Posted 09 January 2013 - 10:29 AM
If you use a Clan use a Clan mech then you use clan rules
smaller drops 5vs8 10vs12 no LRM rain of death
these things even it out also with the small range of this game
Clan weapon ranges are useless and with ECM are even worse
Edited by qultar, 09 January 2013 - 10:29 AM.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 10:44 AM
Posted 09 January 2013 - 11:54 AM
Why? No to hit modifiers. When player skill gets involved, it creates a powerful force for equalization.
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 09 January 2013 - 11:54 AM.
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