Hawken Is Going To Maul Our Playerbase
Posted 13 December 2012 - 03:45 PM
it's a countdown to see who'll stick around in the next 6 months so don't worry about who's poaching who's players when the next latest and greatest game comes out.
oh no elder scrolls online and neverwinter are going to maul our playerbase!
***** *** ***** OP
Posted 13 December 2012 - 08:37 PM
Stone Wall, on 13 December 2012 - 05:47 AM, said:
So THIS is a beta? That's newS to me.
From Wikipedia:
"Beta (in other words prototype) (named after the second letter of the Greek alphabet) is the software development phase following alpha. It generally begins when the software is feature complete."
"Open betas serve the dual purpose of demonstrating a product to potential consumers, and testing among an extremely wide user base likely to bring to light obscure errors that a much smaller testing team might not find."
Feature complete? Bwahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!
Yeah, this is beta alright.
Obscure errors? Bwahahahahahaaaaa!!!!! (again)
Yeah, this is open beta.
Posted 13 December 2012 - 08:47 PM
In My opinion, the OP is wrong, what a drama queen!
Nothing like battletech, totally different gameplay. The best I can describe it is like have all Jenners with jump jets, in a 3d maze. targets get outlined in red like in world of tanks. Looks like an arcade game.
People who get their fix from the battletech universe won;t get it with Hawken
Posted 13 December 2012 - 09:53 PM
Sean von Steinike, on 13 December 2012 - 04:08 AM, said:
Would it have been so bad to set players up with a free commando to start? Or get the flea in game and use that. Something....
A player with skin in the game will stay in the game. If you give them a mech to own for free, there is a good chance that new player will spend cash to customize that mech. Especially if you make weapons, engines, heat sinks, armor, etc... able to purchase with mc. The point of mc is to help those out that don't have time to grind. I am one of those and would be happy to pay 50mc for an LBX10 rather than grind 2 hours for one.
just food for thought.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 07:38 AM
Sir Roland MXIII, on 13 December 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:
Guess it's a good thing that's not like MW:O at all, eh? /sarcasm.
*Worst of all... it's bloody Duke Nukem, a series that started as a side-scrolling shooter... the fact that PGI effed that up is just... I don't know. One dumbfounding achievement. How DOES one ruin a game that is that bad to begin with? It's like PGI took garbage and IMPROVED it's garbage qualities so that it was TWICE the pile of garbage it was before.
You really didn't read at all what PGI did for DNF. The game was in production hell for years at 3D Realms, they failed, blew up, went kaput, Gearbox (Opposing Force, Borderlands) bought the remaining code and rights, polished the **** that was the existing code, and gave the MULTIPLAYER ONLY (which was bad admittedly, but on par with the rest of the game) to PGI to clean up.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 02:37 PM
Hawken and MWO are NOT the same type of game.
Hawken is a CoD flavored, mech-themed shooter.
MWO is a mech-simulator flavored, mech-themed shooter.
As such, they should attract different fan bases. So calm your sh**.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 05:29 PM
A MW video game is a thinking man's tactical/strategic armored combat sim.
Hawken is unreal tournament in mechas.
There will, I believe, be some inevitable bleed over between the two commnities, but we and they are going after different market segments.
I think the game that is better executed by it's developers will do better.
Edited by Pht, 14 December 2012 - 05:30 PM.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 07:07 PM
Sir Roland MXIII, on 13 December 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:
Guess it's a good thing that's not like MW:O at all, eh? /sarcasm.
*Worst of all... it's bloody Duke Nukem, a series that started as a side-scrolling shooter... the fact that PGI effed that up is just... I don't know. One dumbfounding achievement. How DOES one ruin a game that is that bad to begin with? It's like PGI took garbage and IMPROVED it's garbage qualities so that it was TWICE the pile of garbage it was before.
Duke Nukem Forever was fantastic.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 08:09 PM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:19 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:50 AM
Bottom line, MW:O != Hawken. I've sunk money into both. Two different play experiences.
Except for the horrid KDR. I have that in both. Nerf good players! They are OP!
Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:29 AM

Then, I switched to Hawken, again the same thing, played 2 matches and couldn't connect anymore (all 3 matches I could only play DM). Then I decided to look up more things on MWO, and give it some time to understand the basics, and to watch some gameplay videos/tutorials (that reminded me of DayZ, I bought Arma2 just for that mod, and couldn't survive for a few minutes until I watched some video tutorials and played trough the bootcamp), and I haven't even thought of Hawken since. It was fun, and probably the connection problems were guilty of turning me to MWO, but I don't see myself going back there. I love the customization here, the teamwork (when you're not being connected with dumb***es), the feeling when you get a kill, cause you really do have to work for it, and it's a reward for itself.
What I see as a downside is the lack of tutorial, apart from the official videos (and the ones you have to look for yourself), lack of different maps, or even larger maps, for different, more immersive game mods - I had in mind a bigger map, with strategic areas which you could capture, and where you could set up your defense, and make small repairs for your mechs, that matches could have bigger teams, could have requirements in a way of required scout number, assaults number and such, and I feel those would offer longer match time and longer surviving opportunities, they would need even more strategy and tactics, and communication between the groups. Maybe a gifting MC for new players, so they feel they've actually earned something and make them stay - along with the tutorial which could make them learn faster and not feel so threatened by experienced players when they jump into their first match. And already mentioned new maps, more challenging mods would probably make people stay. That's my point of view.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 12:43 PM
the game modes at launch are great, one is still in alpha where you must go to one of three flags charge your batteries and return to power a battleship,then you must control the anti air flag or they wipe your ship out of the air.that repeats until one base is eliminated leaving up to 30 minutes of chaos as nether team can hold 4 spots for long.
Thats being creative not just heres a big clunky robot go shoot,and btw mechwarrior is horribly unbalanced in comparison to Hawken most of the time i use a medium assulat but i see leaders running in light scouts and on the other team a grenadier mauling the opposition.My opinion but why not try both hawken is an indie and playing the open beta has been a blast
Posted 16 December 2012 - 01:08 PM
Rocksbury, on 16 December 2012 - 12:43 PM, said:
the game modes at launch are great, one is still in alpha where you must go to one of three flags charge your batteries and return to power a battleship,then you must control the anti air flag or they wipe your ship out of the air.that repeats until one base is eliminated leaving up to 30 minutes of chaos as nether team can hold 4 spots for long.
Thats being creative not just heres a big clunky robot go shoot,and btw mechwarrior is horribly unbalanced in comparison to Hawken most of the time i use a medium assulat but i see leaders running in light scouts and on the other team a grenadier mauling the opposition.My opinion but why not try both hawken is an indie and playing the open beta has been a blast
I love people with 1 post talking **** about a game on that game's forum, and praising it's competition

Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:22 PM
I played the TT game, the TCG (had all kinds of decks), Mechwarrior 2 and all its expansions, 3, 4, 4 mercenaries, and now here I am. This will be difficult to believe, but there is no fanboy in me - fanboyism is irrational and immature.
Having said that, I gave Hawken an honest shot. There are some major upsides to it and PGI should seriously take note from their competition. The interface is very noob-friendly and it seemlessly integrates the player into the game. In-game tutorials in a practice map are an absolute must. It must cover everything from manoeuvres to all weapon types and equipment. They even give you a mech that's yours from the beginning that you gain exp with, AS WELL AS trial mechs.
Game modes. Man, there is absolutely no doubt that the devs at the Hawken team know what's up. They included TDM, as well as their own unique game mode, and something else that's a multi-CTF spin off. MWO is playing big time catchup in that department. That gives the game variety, which means longevity. Remember this in gaming: game mode and map variety is directly proportional to gameplay longevity. Gaming logic 101.
Despite all of its advantages, Hawken is no Mechwarrior. MW is much richer game with a lot of history and background. It has much more potential. It's true that the different games appeal to different crowds, and that's due to the inherent differences in the different games' styles. I'm a fast-twitch, thinking gamer - if that makes sense to anybody. I play all kinds of games from shooters to RPGs to turn-based board games. You name the game and/or genre, I've probably played it, enjoyed it, and gotten decent at it. So, I'm not the kind of gamer that can easily be pigeonholed and have whatever I say invalidated as a result.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 05:44 PM
There is no way of saying well this is more realistic or this is a simulation, they are giant robots fighting so there is no reference.
For a game like mechwarrior to be Superior it would need balance and a fair money system. graphics and story aside because hawken cant compete against a franchise,yet hawken hands down has better audio and visuals. i like the mech warriors art style but it looks awful even on my gtx 670.
mechwarrior also gives blatant advantages for people who sink money into it. While it is possible for a lvl 1 in hawken to buy the upgrades i have played it for 2 days and have unlocked most of the gear.
both fill a niche market but mechwarrior failed to deliver on keeping a fair f2p game style. so im not surprised its failing, they will make another one next year with a new developer.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:56 PM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:00 PM
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