The Mech that receives the weight handicap from the DD-C, should receive another handicap should a further DD-C be added to the group, repeating as many times as needed, until the mech is classed as an assault. At which point the handicap passes to the next heaviest mech. This may sound complicated, but it is needed to prevent lights getting locked out.
So as an extreme example, a 4 man premade launches in 4 DD-C's with the randoms in 2 Lights and 2 Mediums, all without ECM, the matchmaker then runs the above rules and adds 4 weight classes which get distributed to the mediums first, giving the matching team six assault mechs and two lights.
Team 1: A-ECM A-ECM A-ECM A-ECM Medium Medium Light Light
Team 2: Aslt+1 Aslt+2 Aslt+3 Aslt+4 Aslt+2 . Aslt .Light . Light
This is an effective tonnage bonus of 100 tonnes if they are matched against non ECM mechs without removing any lights from the team.
Some further examples of how this would work with a more balanced loadout and another imbalanced loadout:
Team 1 : A-ECM L-ECM Assault Heavy Heavy Medium Light Light
Team 2 : Aslt+1 Med +1 Heavy Heavy Heavy Medium Light Light
Team1 : L-ECM L-ECM L-ECM L-ECM Assault Heavy Medium Medium
Team 2 : L-ECM Medium Medium Medium Assault Heavy Medium L-ECM
Or you could just remove the Atlas DD-C's ability to fit ECM, although I am loath to call for a nerf on a mech I do not myself own, it would simplify the process.
Obviously this would do nothing to 8Vs8 in its present form, but might help balance out the random matches and restore viability to the non ECM chassis variants. Why not give it a go, perhaps as a precursor to inclusion of a battle value attribute? Thoughts, comments.
*tables and fonts dont transfer to forums, deal