Heh. I must say, thank you people for giving me a chuckle or 5 tonight, reading through this almost deserved a bowl of popcorn. Almost.
Anyways, on to more relevant stuff. Here's what I've gathered so far:
1) The MWO forums were hacked.
2) Shortly after, people received emails on their accounts that were used only for MWO, presumably being nearly impossible to guess from anything said on here.
3) People from other websites who had nothing to do with MWO
also got emails, identical to the ones received after the hack.
Conclusion: Because of 1, 2 happened, but 3 happened, without being related. Therefore, the only logical answer to this is as follows: MWO is not the only place that got hacked. Some email addresses may have been leaked, others may not have, but as a whole, peoples emails WERE leaked, and it can be assumed that these emails are now on a spam list.
Now, I've changed my password, and I probably will again later on, too. But that's just being cautious, you can't blame someone for that.
In other news, did anyone actually READ the email? I laughed at how quickly it went from "Windows 8 is FAIL" to "Christmas is evil, don't pay for gifts, god forbids it, you are working for *****." Also, apparently "SANTA CLAUS is an anagram for *****." Now, unless I'm mistaken, an anagram is a rearrangement of the characters in a word/phrase to make a different word/phrase, correct? Then someone please tell me where the "Claus" fits into the anagram?

Just saying, when they used flawed logic, making connections where they don't exist, and trying to convince others that they're right, I wouldn't have gone there in the first place.