Wolfe-Ryatt, on 17 May 2012 - 11:23 AM, said:
Here's my concern. If Light and Medium Mechs are made viable combatants versus an Assault class vehicle (and indications are that this is exactly what is happening), then Assault Mechs shouldn't then also cost 3 times as much. Why would anyone operate such a Mech if you could be just as effective in smaller Mechs for less cost?
Either Assault Mechs give a distinct advantage (ie, I'm able to routinely kill 3 light Mechs for every Light Mech that can kill me since they're 1/3 the price) OR the cost of operation is mitigated in some fashion. Yes..I don't really care about reality simulation in this case...I'm more concerned with gameplay.
The advantages of either design tends to be situational. 1v1, it's a David vs. Goliath of speed and agility vs. armor and firepower. In massed groups, the advantages of assaults multiply, but the speed and agility of lighter 'mechs give them an ability to mob and destroy stragglers or divided forces in ways that heavier 'mechs can't.
All that said, I'd expect the sturdier assaults and heavies to be the survivors of most pitched battles due to the "forgiving" (along with perhaps a few of the more clever/cautious scouts) nature of large amounts of armor, but their repair costs might still be on order with a badly scrapped light or medium chassis.
As far as the kills/points argument goes, we're getting rewards for things like detection and spotting, not just damage output, so I don't think assaults are fundamentally going to be the better chassis to have. Especially since their lack of mobility can keep them out of fighting, or from pursuing damaged opponents in many circumstances.