I wonder what the "core" of CW consists of.
Also open beta was what OCT 29th? So there is still about a month and a half left to go for them to reach their projected goal of having the "core" of community warfare implemented within 90 days of OB.
I really am hoping a lot of this will be cleared up by the 18th. Phase three of matchmaking, and the Economics/New User Phase 0.5 might be big parts of the "core" of CW.
I have a feeling they may fall short of having the territory control meta game aspect by the end of 90 days. Does anyone remember what Matchmaking Phase 3 is supposed to consist of?
Edit: Doh was simpler to find than I thought.
Phase 3:
We have been examining the various ranking systems in other games/structured tournament play etc. This includes ELO, TrueSkill and others. Our current plan is to use a hybrid system that uses the mentality of ELO with a weighting system that we’ve determined that drives down to player effectiveness/skill in a match. In order for this to work properly, we will need to do heavy pre-release testing before it goes live to the community and hence the amount of time to get it implemented.
We currently cannot go into detail as to how this system will work because we are not going to over-promise something that may change during implementation. We will try to keep you as up to date on this as possible.
Edited by Brilig, 15 December 2012 - 04:19 AM.