What's The Worst Team You've Ever Had?
Started by Owlfeathers, Dec 16 2012 09:37 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:37 PM
Just wondering what the worst you've ever seen was. My worst so far was a random group of people on Frozen City Night who got every single one of themselves killed without killing anyone or even getting any section of armor on any mech into the red. I was waiting for fire support when I was spotted while sniping, until I realized that they had all died in literally under a minute thirty. Just went in, shot at stuff, and died. I ended up as the last guy desperately trying to kill a few in my little Raven before our base got capped, and failed miserably (they were all Atlases, Cats, Centurions, and Cataphs)
I did end up getting a nice clean kill just before they capped though, followed the train of enemy mechs to our base and then popped out from behind a building and hit a cat in the back with twin ER PPCs, killing him instantly. Always fun to do that.
I did end up getting a nice clean kill just before they capped though, followed the train of enemy mechs to our base and then popped out from behind a building and hit a cat in the back with twin ER PPCs, killing him instantly. Always fun to do that.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:48 PM
I was in so many PUGs that got obliterated by the enemy.
When you run into a team of D-DC and Multi-AC-Phracts and the Mechs on your side last around 5 seconds in the Firestorm...usually i try to kill at least one enemy even if my PUG loses heavy but there was nothing left to do than to run but where run on this tiny map with Heavys close to your already pimped up Medium speed?
But the only real ****** PUG was the one with the everybody insulting teamkiller some months ago.
3 TKs and Insults toward everyone...i was so ashamed i moved out of bounds to end this experience.
It was the only time i encountered such behavior in that serious way.
When you run into a team of D-DC and Multi-AC-Phracts and the Mechs on your side last around 5 seconds in the Firestorm...usually i try to kill at least one enemy even if my PUG loses heavy but there was nothing left to do than to run but where run on this tiny map with Heavys close to your already pimped up Medium speed?
But the only real ****** PUG was the one with the everybody insulting teamkiller some months ago.
3 TKs and Insults toward everyone...i was so ashamed i moved out of bounds to end this experience.
It was the only time i encountered such behavior in that serious way.
Edited by Thorqemada, 16 December 2012 - 09:50 PM.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:51 PM
I can't make up my mind, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the ones I was in. Hmmmm, starting to see a pattern here.

Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:07 PM
when ever you see me in a PUG match... that... that is the worst match of my life

Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:09 PM
All of them.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:09 PM
Games with team killing and large numbers of disconnects and AFKers aside, there was this one game that stands out in my mind. I was playing a brawler of some kind (it was either a cataphract or an atlas with ECM, I can't remember for sure but it would have had SRMs and an AC 20 regardless). The game started out promising. We were in forest colony and everyone stuck together and started moving across the lake in a group. The enemy team came out of the hill and engaged us head on. The two groups collided and at the end of it I had dealt 500 damage before going down (and I was targeted quite a bit) and one of my allies did 300 and managed to get a kill. None of my other allies had managed to do double digits in damage. I guess their strategy was to clog the enemy guns with their wreckage. It didn't work.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:13 PM
I got into a PUG and told the team "Everyone move in random directions and shoot at random enemies". They followed the suggestion and we were obliterated 8-0. The interesting thing is that I don't have to suggest this strategy anymore, yet it is almost universally followed by PUGs for some reason.
Edited by Jacmac, 16 December 2012 - 10:14 PM.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:15 PM
Jacmac, on 16 December 2012 - 10:13 PM, said:
I got into a PUG and told the team "Everyone move in random directions and shoot at random enemies". They followed the suggestion and we were obliterated 8-0. The interesting thing is that I don't have to suggest this strategy anymore, yet it is almost universally followed by PUGs for some reason.
That's actually sort of funny. Phailure.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:16 PM
My most memorable PUG was dropping in my brand new D-DC and seeing two other Atlases to my left and behind me. I was so happy. Then just as the match started, the two Atlases started shooting at each other. I was utterly confused and the survivor then started shooting at me. The rest of the team and I returned fire and silenced him but not before my CT was red. 60 seconds later the opposing team's Gausscat walked into view and one shotted me. One of the shortest matches i've ever been in.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:07 PM
minus the afk's, dc's, suicides, and tk's, i remember a pug match back during the beginning of open beta. was on caustic, fighting around the crater. we were up 5-0 when i died (making it 5-1, 4 of those kills being mine). an atlas missing a torso, a fairly beat up catapult, and a fairly fresh hunchback were left on the enemy team. on our team, 2 people had exposed torsos, everyone else orange armor or better all over. the rest of my team then proceeded to be murdered 1 by 1 until we lost the match 6-8)
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