Mon. Dec 17, 3049: ComStar presents supposed path of already year-long expedition to find 295th Division ruins and hopefully Exodus Road.

Isn News Flash
Started by InnerSphereNews, Dec 17 2012 08:40 AM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 17 December 2012 - 08:40 AM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 08:50 AM
It's so damn hard to go up and up and up... they will find you soon enough and tell you which way to go for sure.

Posted 17 December 2012 - 09:27 AM
it stays exciting
Posted 17 December 2012 - 01:51 PM
Any news on when Comstar's jumpship Outbound Light will be returning from it's 3-year tour of the Periphery? It's nearly six months late!
Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:44 PM
Yeah, ruins. I'm not surprised. Just more evidence towards my conclusion that Kerensky got himself lost in uncharted space, and IF by some ungodly chance they manage to find out where he went, they'll just be finding more of the same...ruins and wreckage.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 06:43 PM
I would like to know what they found...maybe something interesting...
Posted 17 December 2012 - 09:08 PM
The Two Hundred Ninty-fifth BattleMech Division was a part of the Star League Defense Force Regular Army.
In 2764, the unit was assigned, as a part of the XLIX Corps, Eleventh, to District 1 of the Lyran Commonwealth Military Region and then transferred to District 2 by 2765. The 295th survived the Periphery Uprising and the Hegemony Campaign, but it is unknown what with the division has happened.
As an SLDF BattleMech division the 295th would have been formed from two Brigades of BattleMech regiments and a brigade of Mechanized Infantry regiments.
In 2764, the unit was assigned, as a part of the XLIX Corps, Eleventh, to District 1 of the Lyran Commonwealth Military Region and then transferred to District 2 by 2765. The 295th survived the Periphery Uprising and the Hegemony Campaign, but it is unknown what with the division has happened.
As an SLDF BattleMech division the 295th would have been formed from two Brigades of BattleMech regiments and a brigade of Mechanized Infantry regiments.
The Fate Of The 295TH
After the fall of the Star League and the departure of the Exodus fleet, soe thirty divisions of the SLDF remaned unaccounted for, among them the 296th BattleMech Division. Stationed in the Lyran Commonwealth during the late 2700s, the unit fought against the Rim Worlds Republic and also against Stefan Amaris's forces in the Terran Hegemony. After the Civl War, the unit returned to its assigned station in the Rim Worlds Republic. The 295th eagerly heeded General Kerenskys call for Exodus, but mechanical problems held up their departure for severa weeks. By the time the unit's transprts were capable of making the journey, Kerensky's fleet had already disappeared from the skies over New Samarkand.
The 295th, knowing they had only a slim hope of catching up with the Exodus fleet without knowing its destination, nevertheless decided to try. A month after Kerensky departure, the 295th left the Rim Worlds for fr regions unkown. For hundreds of years, their fate remained a mystery. Some believed that the unit had succeeded in joining the Exodus against all odds; others, that the galant 295th had misjumped or wandered throug uncharted space before succunbing to its dangers. Not until 3043, when an Explorer Corps vessel landed on an uncharted world far beyong the borders of the Circirnus Federatiom, did anyone learn the truth.
Plagued by recurrent technical difficuties, the ships of the 295th apparemtly made an emergency landing on an uninhabited world. Unable to repair their damaged vessels, they made a virtue of necessity and built several small settlements near te eastern coast of the planet's largest arable continent. From the traces they left behind, we can assune that the colonies survived for close to eighty years through farmng and fishing. However, the settler's birthrate never exceeded the threshold of viability necessary for long-term survival. By the late 2800s, the 295th's descendants had all died, leaving behind only a few scattered ruins.
From The Periphery, 1642, page 91
After the fall of the Star League and the departure of the Exodus fleet, soe thirty divisions of the SLDF remaned unaccounted for, among them the 296th BattleMech Division. Stationed in the Lyran Commonwealth during the late 2700s, the unit fought against the Rim Worlds Republic and also against Stefan Amaris's forces in the Terran Hegemony. After the Civl War, the unit returned to its assigned station in the Rim Worlds Republic. The 295th eagerly heeded General Kerenskys call for Exodus, but mechanical problems held up their departure for severa weeks. By the time the unit's transprts were capable of making the journey, Kerensky's fleet had already disappeared from the skies over New Samarkand.
The 295th, knowing they had only a slim hope of catching up with the Exodus fleet without knowing its destination, nevertheless decided to try. A month after Kerensky departure, the 295th left the Rim Worlds for fr regions unkown. For hundreds of years, their fate remained a mystery. Some believed that the unit had succeeded in joining the Exodus against all odds; others, that the galant 295th had misjumped or wandered throug uncharted space before succunbing to its dangers. Not until 3043, when an Explorer Corps vessel landed on an uncharted world far beyong the borders of the Circirnus Federatiom, did anyone learn the truth.
Plagued by recurrent technical difficuties, the ships of the 295th apparemtly made an emergency landing on an uninhabited world. Unable to repair their damaged vessels, they made a virtue of necessity and built several small settlements near te eastern coast of the planet's largest arable continent. From the traces they left behind, we can assune that the colonies survived for close to eighty years through farmng and fishing. However, the settler's birthrate never exceeded the threshold of viability necessary for long-term survival. By the late 2800s, the 295th's descendants had all died, leaving behind only a few scattered ruins.
From The Periphery, 1642, page 91
Edited by Skylarr, 17 December 2012 - 09:09 PM.
Posted 18 December 2012 - 03:43 AM
Poor guys...
(I guess there weren't many women with them)
(I guess there weren't many women with them)
Posted 18 December 2012 - 01:11 PM
I would rather they had died in combat.
Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:16 PM
I am sure many died in combat fighting over resources, technologies, and women.
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