1. LRMS spread all over a mech
2. In order to make LRMs seem useful, they have to increase the damage far beyond TT values
3. Because they spread all over it makes the LRM5, LRM10 useless.
4. They cant increase the damage too much or LRM15 and 20 will be OP
5. But if they dont increase damage the LRM5 and 10 will be useless.
6. There really is no middle ground to make them ALL balanced AND useful BECAUSE OF #1.
7. Dont require much skill and experience to use, if any.
8. A fast rate of fire
LRM 5 -- 4 damage
LRM 10 -- 8 damage
LRM 15 -- 12 damage
LRM 20 -- 16 damage
Hit in volleys of 5 to random locations.
There is really nothing wrong with those values. A pair of LRM15 could do 24 damage(for example) to lets say.. a mechs left arm and left torso.. This would be quite significant damage towards destroying those location even with our current double armor values.
Note - MW4 uses TT LRM values, and MW4 missles worked very nicely. Each size of launcher was useful.
1. LRMs did not spread all over a mech.
2. LRMs locks had to be manually gained and maintained with the reticle.
3. The arcs were much lower and missles could be easily blocked by all sorts of cover.
4. Had no minimum range and could be used in a brawl with dumbfire, wasnt very accurate but at least the missle boats were not totally helpless if brawled.
5. Ammo counts were much lower. You didnt need a crapton of missles to kill something, all you needed was skill, a steady hand to maintain lock and aim on the same hitbox
6. MW4 LRMs took alot of practice to master, were by no means easy to use and only truly dedicated LRM pilots were good with them.
7. Each size launcher was useful AND used.
8. A slower rate of fire
9. MW4 missles hit in volleys of 5 each, just like TT
Edited by Teralitha, 18 November 2012 - 08:17 AM.