I play with friends on the 4-man teams all the time. I take my ECM Cicada and we still lose with enough regularity to teams with amassed LRM boats like we used to a month ago when LRMs were doing 2000 damage each match. They don't do as much damage, but concentrated LRM fire is still one of the most deadly and destructive weapons in the game. The difference is that they have a spotter, someone how jams my ECM and singles me out because of my ECM. If they kill me then the rest of the team is easy pickings. Usually having 2 missile boats and 2 spotters are ample. Even if my lance gets pair in with another team that has multiple ECMs, those ECMs aren't the be-all win-all over a team that uses coordination and communication. And as far as the Catapult A1 with LRMs or Streaks being completely useless unless a person takes a standard SRM boat, why don't you take a backup weapon system? Just about everyone knows not to put all their chips on one weapon. Get a pair of LRM 10 or 15s, and back it up with dual SRM 6s. You can still have your LRM boat to good effect and have a helluva punch if an enemy light starts harassing you. Problems with lag-shield? Lead your target or wait for them to reduce transverse velocity.
Yes, ECM is powerful, but no, it's not OP. Other systems in the game need to be buffed to counter it more effectively, such as BAP, NARC, and TAG, but if you're going to bring a one-trick pony to a fight, be prepared to be beaten by another one-trick pony. What you're doing now is like playing paper, rock, scissors. You're crying that paper is OP because it's countering your rock, but you're not carrying a small pair of scissors in your back pocket for just such an occasion or having your friend carry the scissors for you. Of course you'll lose then. Just like these guys who exploit the strengthen of the paper-ECM now will be bawing their eyes out when other E-war devices become get buffed into a more powerful scissor.
Make sense or did I take that analogy too far?