What is Steel Jaguar?
Steel Jaguar was originally founded shortly after the release of MechWarrior 4: Vengeance in 2000. +SJR+ enjoyed an extensive career in MechWarrior 4 competitive leagues, maintaining winning records in the War! Online and NetBattletech Leagues.
+SJR+ was re-envisioned in 2012 and made into a MechWarrior Online competitive team, with the goal of becoming the best team in the game. While our main focus is MechWarrior Online, we have expanded our sights to include Mecha games outside of just the MechWarrior franchise, and we are watching Hawken and MechWarrior Tactics with great interest.
Originally known as Smoke Jaguar Reborn, the team made a decision in May, 2012: to abandon BattleTech roleplay in the unit's identity, and to embrace a unique identity. The team remodeled itself from the ground up, and Steel Jaguar was born. This enabled the team to retain its decade-old "tags", +SJR+, but to forge forward without any copyright issues or conflicts of interest with other teams.
The meaning of the insignia:
The insignia: an Aztec-styled metal jaguar head on a red-bordered gray triangle.
- The Aztec styling is a nod to the origins of the jaguar species, and consequently as a reminder to never forget history or our own team's origins.
- The jaguar head's metallic nature indicates our 'Mecha-gaming nature.
- The gold border of the jaguar's head represents optimism and success, the first of which is necessary for progression, the second of which is the ultimate goal.
- The jaguar itself indicates ferocity, grace, and the peak of evolution
- The triangle symbolizes a few things:
- The upright triangle has long been considered a symbol for fire - for willpower, drive, intensity and passion
- The upright triangle symbolizes moving from the foundation to the pinnacle, which is +SJR+'s purpose: the pursuit of mastery
- The gray field of the triangle represents introspection and contemplation. The red border represents action and confidence. These colors combine into characteristics necessary for progress and skill.
Our goals as a team:
The pursuit of mastery.
Definition of MASTERY (from merriam-webster.com)
1the authority of a master : dominion b : the upper hand in a contest or competition : superiority, ascendancy
2possession or display of great skill or technique b : skill or knowledge that makes one master of a subject
The pursuit of mastery does not mean that we are the best, nor does it mean that we think we are the best. It means we are seeking to become the best we possibly can be in our chosen fields. In +SJR+'s case, that field is Mecha gaming, with a focus on the MechWarrior franchise.
To provide a positive and welcoming community in which to enact goal #1.
A gaming team should be a comfortable place, where friends can meet and share time reaching for the same goals. A team that gets along, is not bullied by totalitarian leadership, and enforces mutual respect will not dissolve under stress or challenge.
We are Steel Jaguars.
A different kind of animal.
We are looking for members who meet the following:
Age 18+ only
English speaking
Willing to use TeamSpeak 3 and microphone
Willing to use IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Computer currently able to run MechWarrior Online
High level of activity
Currently Founders Package level Elite or higher, AND/OR be willing to buy MC as needed in order to keep up, competitively.
сайт: http://www.sjrgaming.com
рекрутинг: http://www.sjrgaming...p?page=page4415
заявки: http://www.sjrgaming...action=form;n=3
праймтайм: 22.00-1.00 (+4 gmt) eu division
Основные цели SJR на сегодняшний день участие в http://www.runhotordie.com/ лиге.
Люди ищутся для комплектации европейской части юнита,количество мест ограниченно.
SJR занимается стримами и ведет свой отдельный подкаст на тему соревновательного MWO.
за дополнительной информацией обращайтесь :
skype : maddogncux
личные сообщения на форуме здесь.
при должном количестве заявок из ру зоны возможно будет создан 3 дивизион юнита.
Edited by maddogncux, 23 December 2012 - 01:35 AM.