Wintersdark, on 29 December 2012 - 02:52 PM, said:
Sorry, but I have to chip in here, and I know I'm going to step on toes.
This is silly, and childish. This game is not a charity. The devs need to make money - not just enough to keep the servers running, but enough to turn a reasonable profit.
They won't do that just selling shiny paint and a cbill bonus.
They are definitely avoiding Pay2Win, which we all agree on, and THAT is a real treat to the game.
However, the OP keeps saying players are forced to pay for mechs. Nobody is forced to do so. There is no substantial gain from it other than something different. My time spent getting Elite with my dragons has shown me that - I like my Flame, and I wouldn't have bought it without unique hardpoints, but it's certainly no better than other variants.
So, yes, if you really Must have every single mechanical, then sure, it's Pay2Play. *shrug*
Welcome to the real world. This purity of free to play you're looking for doesn't exist, and it can't. They simply wouldn't make enough money.
The devs walk a very thin line avoiding Pay To Win, which is far more than most "F2P" devs do. Golden ammo anyone?
Grow up, accept that that silly ideal is just that - a silly and impractical ideal. Because, and this is the cold, hard truth: If you're not paying something, your value to the game is minimal - just ensuring there are warm bodies in the matchmaking pool.
Bluescuba, on 29 December 2012 - 06:51 PM, said:
This whole argument is BS.
Someones nose is out of joint because not everying can be bought with c-bills??? Get over yourself.
F2P games are barely in their infancy, and there are a number of different models. Being F2P does not mean everying is free; the argument that you can get a flame with c-bills is a slippery slop to "why cant I get all the paints for c-bills"... the upshot of this shortsighted view is that the economy would become fubar in short order with rapid c-bill inflation. Remember this; without people who are willing to pay for what is essentially fluff PGI will have to find other revenue streams.
So long as the hero mechs are not P2W this is a non issue, so please do not qq more and make it an issue.
Wintersdark, on 29 December 2012 - 07:29 PM, said:
First, I'm sincerely sorry. For some reason, I thought SamizdatCowboy was the OP here. My mistake, and it was to his posts I was referring with the "keep saying" comment. That comment, however, was the only one directed at anybody specifically.
Also, I didn't specify anyone in particular - including SamizdatCowboy, who I'm aware is also a founder - as having not contributed to the game. Rather, I was saying that if one doesn't pay, one can't expect anything.
And you may well color me chastised. I was reading on my phone, at work, and not paying close enough attention - not that that's an excuse for unfairly pointing that at you, but there you have it.
This I agree with entirely. I feel it's important for the Hero mechs to be unique in play as well as appearance, because otherwise PGI is going to have a hard time selling enough, but they absolutely have to be very careful to avoid degenerating into a pay-to-win scenario wherein players must purchase Hero mechs to be competitive.
That is absolutely not the case now. So long as they keep it that way, it's all good.
To be clear, this is not directed at you, TopDawg:
Where I was going with this was that people not paying are absolutely not entitled to anything. PGI has said they're going to avoid "Pay2Win" scenarios, but to my knowledge has never said that they will ensure that players can buy everything with c-bills - a very different proposition entirely.
League of Legends is a terrible comparison. They can afford to be more finicky in what they sell for a number of reasons. Due to the nature of the game (simpler essentially 2D game, graphics aside), the per-user server load is substantially lower, keeping their costs (again, per user) much lower. Mechwarrior Online, however, is never going to have the userbase LoL does. Not that it's not as good a game, but rather because it's a niche game. It's complex, simulator-esque, and inherently (deliberately, to a degree) unbalanced: not really very e-sportish.
Again, there's no arm twisting. They aren't forcing you to pay for anything. You don't need Hero mechs - they're not particularly better than existing ones. And, as I said above, the devs have certainly not said that everything in the game would be available through ingame currency - or at least, they haven't said so publicly. I wasn't in closed beta, so I'm not privvy to what they said there.
Incidentally, planned obsolescence is part of Battletech. Technology advances, older tech (and mechs, for that matter) are replaced by newer, better ones. It's almost certain to happen come the Clan Invasion, unless the dev's decide to break with TT entirely, and throw the whole "stick to canon" thing out the window.
So the gist of these posts is:
1. Nobody is forcing you to buy the hero mechs, and they're not better than other mechs, so it's not Pay2Win it's Pay2Play
2. You can't make money without some Pay2Play
3. As long as it's not Pay2Win it doesn't matter stop your qq
I've already replied to these in previous posts, but since nobody actually
reads the thread, let me reply again (I'm starting to understand how TopDawg must feel).
Nobody is forcing you to buy the hero mechs so it's not Pay2Win it's Pay2Play
You're right, the hero mechs are not pay2win. Different hardpoint variations simply accomodate different styles of play. What that means though, is that if a Hero mech comes out with hardpoints/tonnage/etc
perfect for my style of play I
have to buy it if I want to use it. I can't earn it in game. So the hero mech ploy really only shafts the players who would most benefit from a particular hero mech's configuration. This kind of paywall tactic annoys the hell out of me.
You can't make money without some Pay2Play
This one really gets my goat. You base this on what exactly? Clearly not research. (Google is your friend, you should use it).
First watch this penny arcade vid:
Then read this penny arcade comic:
Then ponder the fact that Planetside 2 is raking in the dough and
everything playable can be earned in game. I personally am probably going to shell out for the 1 year membership ($120 - same price as Legendary Founders), which gives you 1 year of premium time 50% boosts and $5 worth of in game cash per month.
Guess what, (again you would only know this if you, like, researched before you replied) it turns out boosts, cosmetic items, and allowing certain in game items to be either earned or puchased outright
is enough to be profitable. You don't need the pay wall pay2play gimmicks.
So please, stop using the argument 'if they didn't have some pay2play they couldn't make money,' it's baloney.
Also, I mentioned this in a previous post, but it's so important I'm going to quote it again. This is Planetside 2's business model, and it's a biz model I wish all F2P (especially MWO) would follow:
Planetside 2 has three fundamental types of items.
Power adding items: [These are] items such as grenades, med kits, certain types of implants (like a run speed booster); these items fundamentally alter player power and are acquired exclusively with resources earned in game.
Playstyle items: These are sidegrades for vehicles and weapons, these switch up playstyle, and as much as possible are balanced against one another to not add absolute power. These are available for resources earned in game or Station Cash.
Non-gameplay affecting items: [These are] things like cosmetic skins, resource or XP boosts, etc. These don't have any impact on moment-to-moment gameplay, and therefore player power, and are available for Station Cash.
So as you can see, anything that gives any gameplay impact of any kind is always going to be available through gameplay. You wont be able to unlock a gameplay affecting item exclusively for Station Cash, there will be an in-game acquisition path as well, you're just bypassing (or short-cutting) it by using Station Cash.
Additionally, none of our item sidegrades really give a discrete power advantage, and those items which do (such as grenades, etc.) are available exclusively for in-game resources. So, while you can unlock different playstyle choices with Station Cash, you're not really buying an advantage overall, you're just unlocking different situational breadth.
(emphasis added)
For the most part, MWO
does follow this. Power adding items such as weapons or Skill unlocks can only be earned in game. Cosmetic items are only available for MC.
Where they diverge is 'Playstyle items/sidegrades,' which in MWO would be different mechs. MWO chose to make some 'sidegrades' money exclusive, and Planetside 2 chose to make
all sidegrades available for money
or in-game credits.
As long as it's not Pay2Win it doesn't matter stop your qq
You're right, it may not matter. MWO even with paywall mechs may still be wildly successful.
I can only speak for myself, and I personally am turned off by this gimmick. So much so that if the trend continues I personally am likely to end up spending my money/time elsewhere.
And ultimately, that's what the forums are for, so individual players can give individual feedback. And PGI, looking at the sum of the whole, may very well decide that players like me are in the minority and see no need to change their paywall ploy.