DocBach, on 05 January 2013 - 02:50 PM, said:
I've seen your thread on why ECM is fine as is and it boiled down to "learn to play, whiners."
Explain to me why ECM should be a stealth field for an entire team and how its good for the game and I'll listen.
Before ECM was implemented I was going through my Trial period and buying my first couple of mechs. Many games boiled down to both teams sitting behind cover/popping in and out until people ran out of LRMs. Sometimes a team or individual players would not out-wait the LRM spam and would move out into the open or try to cross the map and get killed by LRMs causing their team to lose. Streaks(more like streakcats) prevented light mechs from taking advantage of LRM boats lack short range weapons.
I think ECM/ECCM in it's current implementation with TAG being 750m works pretty well. The biggest problem right now is the lag shield that light mechs have when moving fast which is compounded by the effect of ECM. Streaks were(are) the best way to deal with lights because it's so difficult to hit them with other weapons and even when you do hit them the damage may not even register.
In case anyone is curious I play 4 different mechs. Raven-3L, Hunchback-4SP, Cataphract-IM, Atlas-D-DC. Two have ECM, two don't. I generally get similar results playing all 4, roughly 400-800 damage usually with 0-2 kills, sometimes more, plus 3-5 assists in games we win, even sometimes in ones we lose. Granted, I do not play all of the mechs in the same manner. I have to take their loadout into account, including ECM, when deciding what to do in-game. As long as I am aware of what I can and cannot do ECM or no ECM I usually have a good game.
The Atlas and Raven have the highest potential but I wouldn't say it's just because they have ECM. The Atlas is the most durable with a lot of firepower so more often on this mech than the others I can get 1000+ damage with many kills/assists. The Raven has a lot of potential because people just can't hit me if they aren't using lock-on weapons.
For me, ECM functions predominantly as an LRM deterrent which I think is justified because LRMs are incredibly powerful if used to full effectiveness.
Edited by semalferuzA, 05 January 2013 - 04:53 PM.