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Cbill Farming And Founders Mechs, Reconfigure Their Build's Or Just Buy One Of The New Heros?

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#1 Palutena


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 02:17 PM

These are my current Founders mechs builds I been using to farm cbills. Their effectiveness isn't as good as it used to be with the latest pach even with slight changes. Please make any suggestions for build improvements or new ones or should I just be picking a Hero mech to farm Cbills like an Ilya or another hero?

Atlas 7-D (F)
Standard 260 46 kph with speed tweak.
10 double heatsinks
2 large laser
2 LRM 20
5 tons LRM 20 Ammo
1 Gaus Rifle with Case
3 tons Gaus Rifle ammo
1 Ton AMS ammo.

the old faithful that earned me the lionshare of my cbills since open beta opened. Two LRM 20 + Gaus is just mean at range. Large Lasers help you hit lights and are for midrange / close up and I like them better then 3 mediums. It was quite good pre ecm and still is decent post ecm with tag letting you hit mechs in ECM bubbles. Where you have a big problem is if an ECM light runs up to you but thats what I have friends for. Being slow wasn't too much of an issue as you wanted to bring up the rear anyway. With speed tweak you go 46 which is slightly slower then a stock Atlas. Put in a Tag after the ECM patch losing a ton of ammo. I do miss the CT Mediums on occasion when I get shot up really bad but no space. Now you either have really good games in pugs vs no ECM or ok games where you can tag someone or get friendly tag where friendlys keep the ecm lights off you or terrible games where several ecm lights just make you a sad panda. Having to duel LRM boat and PPC Stalkers and deal with all the ECM lights is getting frustrating even with a friend or two. I guess I could move to a brawler build but I like having range. The DDC version of this with 3 LRM 15s + Gaus Rifle with ER PPC + Tag in the arms just seems better in most cases.

Catapult C-1 (F)
Standard 260 64.8 kph
16 double heat sinks
endo steel
2 medium laser
2 streak srm 2
1 ton Streak SRM Ammo
1 ton AMS Ammo
4 jump jets

with the buff to PPC speed I switched to a PPC sniper from my old 2 large laser cat build. Jump sniping doesn't work as well as I thought it would. You can't jump as high or have the control of jump jets as you did in previous Mechwarrior games. Starting to rethink making the ER PPC + Gaus Rifle Cataphract 3D jump sniper I wanted to make since it costs so much with the XL engine and the catapult PPC sniper didn't work as well as I thought it would. PPC sniping in itself works decently with the speed increase to PPCs although there are times you think your crosshair is on target but you miss. The ER PPC generates a bit too much heat. Extra range is nice but the maps are small right now and being able to hit someone inside of 90 meters is nice but thats what medium lasers and SRMs are for. With no repair and rearm, just seems like I rather run my 4 PPC Atlas RS instead as that tends to live longer and a 40 damage alpha gets through to the internals on mediums or smaller.

Hunchback 4-G (F)
Standard 200
10 Double heat sinks
endo steel
3 medium laser
3 auto cannon 2
4 tons auto cannon ammunition

I didn't want yet another laser boat so this was quite fun based on shaking someones cockpit so they couldn't shoot back effectively byfiring a steady stream of ac2 shots. DPS was quite good too till you ran out of ammo. Unfortunately they nerfed this build with less cockpit shake and you run out of ammo quite quickly. Also isn't very much fun to get in ranged duels with Stalkers with their lots of lrms as it doesn't matter if their cockpit shakes.

Jenner D (F)

Don't use this as I don't like light mechs much. Seems to me like Jenner is ECM Streak Raven and ECM Streak Commando food. Anyone have any builds to the contrary?

What are your current founders mech builds or did you shelf them and buy one of the hero mechs for farming cbills?

Edited by Palutena, 05 February 2013 - 09:41 PM.

#2 Stingz


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 09:19 AM

Reducing dependence on Lock-On weapons would be a good first step, since ECM stops most of it. Changing load-outs for more close-combat effectiveness would probably help, since ECM shuts-down LRMs.

Try 2 Ultra AC/5s in the Hunchback, chain-fire when not jamming melts most mechs(and burns ammo hard).

#3 Palutena


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:19 AM

Thank you. Only the Atlas has LRMs. I wanted something slightly different then the Atlas D-DC and Atlas RS builds I was running. I can land LRMs via tag as long as some ECM light isn't biting on my ankles which happens fairly often as every 4 person group seems to have 1 or two. There seem to be quite many Long Range Missle Stalkers and I see some Catapults out. I could go with 2 PPCs, gaus, 2 med, 2 srm6s for the founders atlas I suppose but that feels too much like the 4 PPC 1 Gaus rifle Atlas RS I run. Might give that a try.

I have bad luck with Ultra AC5s. I rather have the thump thump thump of AC 2s firing then the Weapon Jammed blinking on top of my screen with Ultra AC5s they seem to constantly jam even on the first shot. I'll try the Ultra AC5 Hunchback again maybe they fixed the constantly jam.

#4 Wrenchfarm


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 02:49 PM

Seeing as how R&R has gone the way of the dodo, I think the most effective CBill grinder is the mech you do the best with and have the most fun in. As long as you are consistently doing damage, scrapping components, getting kills/assists and winning, the money will follow.

Get premium time. Saves crazy amounts of time and effort and is the number 1 way to speed up grinding. If you really want to push it and money is no matter, stack it with one of the better Hero mechs, Flame or Illya. But as ever, anything with real money is a personal choice.

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