This mech, is the Targe. (go by the Dark Age model, not the TRO (Yes, I play Dark Age, I can feel your hatred))
I have used many mediums to create Targes, so I will now share them with you.
This first one was done in 3DS Max, and is actually the second Targe I've created digitally, but, the first one was in High School, and I have no records of it (It was on AutoCAD 2008)

Yeah, I wasn't that good at that program, too artsy, not engineering focused enough for my tastes
Next, I got to play with the modern version of AutoCAD (wonderful program to

I think I do rather well on CAD software, compared to artsy software. 3 years of AutoCAD in HS helped.

I still haven't figured out the Ortho stuff, but here it is.

I claim no credit on this, all Primus, see more of his work here:
So there you have it, folks, now all I need is access to a 3D printer again.