Chief Justice, on 30 December 2012 - 07:20 AM, said:
thank you all for your replies and tipps.
I tried the 4LL-build, but it seems i'm just terminally incompetent.
Another problem is the constant drop in frame rates and the shaking/explosion galore if i'm hit by a salvo of missiles.
Can't see anything really.
It also astounds me, how other people can build smaller mechs who are able to rip me apart in a matter of seconds, while i hit with all 4 laser 4 or 5 times, and there seems to be hardly any damage(%-drop is about 5% after 4 hits with all 4 LLs).
Maybe i'm not getting this game at all.
The safest strategy seems to be, to save up for a LRM-mech, stay behind and slam 60-75 missile-salvos at the enemies.
Unfortunately thats not how i would like to play the game at all.
Maybe this game is just not for me..which is a shame..i loved all the older MW-games to death.
Will restart with a new account, try to get the hang of it more, and buy a mech much later in the game, because i just can't figure out a build that works for me. I just get wanked every time, no matter if i stay with 4 assault mechs, i'm the first to get shot at.
Another thing that really bothers me, is the overly expensive customazation. I can't really try something out without spending millions of cbills. That just sucks. I have to play 20 matches to afford to try out something a little bit different.
Ok, will stop whining now
Thanks again guys.
Have fun.
Don't look at the mech you're shooting. Don't look at the little damage display. Look only at your crosshair. If it's red, you're doing damage.
If it's not, you're missing.