Chief Justice, on 30 December 2012 - 07:20 AM, said:
thank you all for your replies and tipps.
I tried the 4LL-build, but it seems i'm just terminally incompetent.
Another problem is the constant drop in frame rates and the shaking/explosion galore if i'm hit by a salvo of missiles.
Can't see anything really.
It also astounds me, how other people can build smaller mechs who are able to rip me apart in a matter of seconds, while i hit with all 4 laser 4 or 5 times, and there seems to be hardly any damage(%-drop is about 5% after 4 hits with all 4 LLs).
thank you all for your replies and tipps.
I tried the 4LL-build, but it seems i'm just terminally incompetent.
Another problem is the constant drop in frame rates and the shaking/explosion galore if i'm hit by a salvo of missiles.
Can't see anything really.
It also astounds me, how other people can build smaller mechs who are able to rip me apart in a matter of seconds, while i hit with all 4 laser 4 or 5 times, and there seems to be hardly any damage(%-drop is about 5% after 4 hits with all 4 LLs).
Yeah, lasers can be a bit of a pain.
I'd recommend reading through both:
A guide on the mechanics of lasers, and how to get their full damage.
And a guide on how lag affects your aim.
That said, if you're having fun with the CDN-9, you should probably just keep using it. This is a game after all, and what's the point if you're not having fun?